Are you ready to celebrate?

Church this Sunday will be a joint, bilingual service at 10:30am as we begin the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the consecration of the original St. Catherine’s building. We will have not one, but two bishops present as well as local dignitaries. More details of the celebrations can be found here:


If you look around both in church and out, the most tired looking people at the moment are those who work in education. The school holidays are in sight but the push to the finish is time stretching (I remember it well). Remarkably the children do not look tired.

From this coming week’s Gospel – ‘Jesus said to them:
“Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.”
Holidays or ‘holy days’ as they were originally called, were built into the creation pattern through the weekly Sabbath and the concept of Jubilee but then also through the rhythm of the seasons, and the celebrations that accompany them. A time to rest and re-fresh, re-store, re-energise, also re-imagine, re-create….. you get the idea. And in the 21. Century, holidays have become the main chunk of time for catching up with families – both immediate and wider. And we welcome back those who have been on Malta, for a Pilgrimage is a holiday too with a very particular focus and perhaps nearer the Gospel quote I began with.

Families with Sunday school aged children please look out for a notice regarding arrangements for the 5 weeks of summer – I will attach the letter here also for you to download. The children will mostly be playing games in their Sunday school time – a break from preparations for the team and some different type of fun for the children too (you may wish to dress them accordingly).

Finally for this week – (because there is nowhere else to put it) a big and heartfelt ‘Thank You’ to all who have worked and planned for best part of 12 months in preparation for the Anniversary week. May the week bring much joy and much blessing – not so much a reward for labours offered though there is that too, but rather in celebration of a God who cannot help but give and do so abundantly. (feel free to add an Amen here).

We give thanks this week as we approach our Anniversary, for our churches. We pray for all whom the life of the church in this place touches in some way and pray for God’s blessing as we embark on the next 150 years…..

We have not one but TWO bishops travelling in this direction this weekend and we welcome them among us on Sunday 22.07. Feel free to invite others to this celebration service @ 10.30.
Further visitations will follow as the Area Dean – Canon John Newsome – joins us on Sunday 5.08. for our normal Eucharist.

Summer Picnic – this falls on afternoon of Sunday 9th September this year and details of precise place and timings will follow – though I think Killesberg has been agreed on by the Council.

#chaplain@the Office
Do 19.07. 10:00-12:00
Fr 20.07. 15:00-17:00
No need to make an appointment just drop in……..

Our Bible study group will be meeting as usual tonight night (Wednesday 18 July) at the Anglican Centre at 7.30pm, very kindly led by Solomon.
The Gospel reading(s) for this week: Mark 6.30-34 and 53-56.
Looking forward to seeing you then!
Best, Katy

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