Celebrating 150 years since the consecration of St. Catherine’s original church building

Exterior of St. Catherine’s c.1900

From 22nd July – 29th July there will be a week of celebrations led by the Old Catholic congregation to celebrate the consecration of the original St. Catherine’s church building in August 1868. There are three events in which we, as the Anglican congregation, are especially involved and which should go in your diaries as soon as possible.

Sunday 22nd July 2018, 10:30: Note the earlier service time. We will hold a joint service of Holy Communion with the Bishop of the Church of England, Diocese in Europe; Dr. Robert Innes, and the Bishop of the Katholischen Bistums der Alt-Katholiken in Germany, Dr. Matthias Ring. Following this there will be a reception in front of the church and the Anglican congregation will host a Bring and Share lunch. We are looking for a co-ordinator for the lunch and would encourage everyone to bring finger food to share. (Finger food – meaning no need for knives and forks, and no need to reheat/keep warm). Please contact Eric if you can help 150years@stcatherines-stuttgart.de
Saturday 28th July 2018, 18:00: Anniversary concert in a music hall style with Barber shop music, Gilbert and Sullivan numbers, poetry reading, anecdotes from the church’s history from the laying of the foundation stone in 1864 to the present day… and more – do you have a party piece you could offer to add some more international flair? Serious or silly, musical or magic…? The more the merrier. Please contact Eric if you have an idea 150years@stcatherines-stuttgart.de
Sunday 22nd July 2018, 10:30: Celebration of Holy Communion with both congregations to conclude the celebrations. Again please note the earlier service time.

Details of other events can be found here https://stcatherines-stuttgart.de/


More and more as I travel around town to and from and between work….. I see posters and other publicity in bright colours. It seems Festival Time is upon us. At schools, in residential areas, or special interest ones…… the sun is shining and it’s time to relax with friends and family around a celebration.
The Christian calendar (as indeed also those of other faiths) is built around times of celebration and times of reflection, of joy and of sadness and the memories of sadness and suffering, of dancing and of praying, of colour and more sober moods.
The Scriptures too take in this broad sweep. Those of us who worship together regularly will catch these nuances in the liturgy and the music that is the structure that holds those bible readings and our reflections on them.
Of course the news similarly catches such moods – the joy of finding the Thailand boys safe in that cave, the desperation of poverty and war and 60 million people far away from what they once thought of as home.
So in our prayers we rejoice and celebrate, and we stand alongside and speak on behalf of those who cannot do so themselves.
I have heard it said that LOVE – is the active pursuit of the well-being of others
and that any individuals, faiths, societies…… living by such a maxim, cannot go far wrong. Jesus and his followers had much to say about love, and if we are observant we will see the embodiment of such love in some surprising places.
Enjoy whatever Fest you find yourself at in these coming weeks (and come to ours – see above). Enjoy the company and the programme activities – but look out too for evidence of that kind of love and for people who might need your prayers.

All those who find themselves far away from home, and those who are ‘homesick’.

Thank you to all who have completed their ‘Data Protection’ forms and returned them to us. The Consent_Form can be found online too as well as at the back of church after services. Completing this process should make all of us feel less anxious about how our details are being used and by whom.

Women’s Group
We will have our next meeting on Thursday, 19th July from 10 am in the Anglican Centre. Kara will probably be in the office so we may be able to help her with any filing, sorting etc.  Look forward to seeing you.
Alison  women@stcatherines-stuttgart.de

St. Catherine’s Ladies’ Evening Group – July Meeting – postponed
In July the LEGS will meet at Trollinger-Stubn – Rotebühlstraße 50
70178 Stuttgart – hopefully we’ll be able to get a table outside.
Date: Monday 16th July, Time: from 19:00
Please e-mail legs@stcatherines-stuttgart.de if you’d like to join us

Men’s Pub Night – the social life of the men of St. Catherine’s hasn’t been entirely forgotten, the next pub night is coming soon! Mail pints@stcatherines-stuttgart.de for more details.

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