Saturday 28th July – 18:00 – Musical entertainment and more…

Come and enjoy an informative and entertaining evening: you will learn interesting facts about our church, and these talks will be punctuated by entertainment. Music, poems and sketches, serious and comic, there is something for everyone, all in the style perfected by the traditional Music Halls.
For more information contact Eric.
Please note the time 18:00

Church this Sunday will be 10:30 again for the final joint service of the celebratory week.

Coffee over the summer
Gabi and Gary tirelessly organise the after-service refreshments each week – and are owed a large THANK YOU. Over the summer Gabi is taking a well earned break, and Gary may not be available every week. We would like one or two families to sign up to help setup and clear away the coffee time. Please sign up here to help – if you speak to Gary he can show you where things are and let you know if he’ll be aroung that week to help. Thank you.


Our Gospel for this week has those well knowns – a picnic and a storm – both of which test our faith. (John 6:1-21)
But it is the extract of St Paul’s letter to the young (in-the-faith) Christians, that is an especially rich vain for our reflections and our prayers this week. (Ephesians 3:14-21) If you are that way able – this is a passage well worth learning off by heart. The language, the imagery, the all encompassing reach of both make this a go-to piece of scripture.
Perhaps 2 or 3 weeks ago I invited us to begin to think about what is the purpose of public prayer… which I hope to explore a little with you in August.
St Paul is here in this week’s extract of his letter praying publicly, not only for these new Christians, but for all future generations of Christians new and established in the faith. By so doing he shows us what is in his heart and on his mind. What a brave thing to do. He also shows us how far he is prepared to have his faith stretched.
And this is of course how it connects with the Gospel and its faith testing encounters.
So may you indeed in answer to his courageous prayer, “know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.”

Finally for this week once again – (because there is nowhere else to put it) a big and heartfelt ‘Thank You’ to all who have worked and planned for best part of 12 months in preparation for the 150th Anniversary week. May the week bring much joy and much blessing – not so much a reward for labours offered though there is that too, but rather in celebration of a God who cannot help but give and do so abundantly. (feel free to add an Amen here).

We give thanks for the gift of holidays and pray for safe travels throughout these summer weeks …..

Next weekend we welcome the Area Dean – Canon John Newsome – who joins us on Sunday 5.08. for our normal Eucharist.
The weekend after that, Sunday 12.08. – our Eucharist will be led by the Sunday School Team (as well as Chaplain obviously !)

we welcome the newest member of our church family – Laura Sarah – we give thanks to God for her safe arrival and pray for her parents as they get used to new routines

#chaplain@the Office (wed-wed)
I am often in the office spontaneously but definitely:
Fr 27.07. 16.30-18.30
Do 2.08. all morning
No need to make an appointment just drop in……..


Summer Picnic – this falls on afternoon of Sunday 9.09. this year and details of precise place and timings to follow though I think Killesberg has been agreed on by the Council.

Men’s Pub Night
Gentlemen: Following a rather patchy bit of pub night organization of late, and in an effort to ensure that the thirsts of the men of the parish are suitably slaked, here are some Pub Night dates and venues for the remainder of 2018 for your calendars.
The dates are always the *second Thursday* of each month and meeting at 7pm
9/Aug — Schlossgarten Biergarten (definitely open this time —
13/Sept — Rote Kapelle —
11/Oct — Sophie’s Brauhaus —
8/Nov — Hotzenplotz —
13/Dec — Weihnachtsmarkt — Meet at the entrance on Schlossplatz:(between the Alte Schloss and the Alte Kanzlei)
Cheers, Darren

Women’s Group
As none of us are going on holiday in August we decided to have our meeting as usual on the third Thursday of the month, ie 16th August from 10 until 12 in the Anglican Centre. See you there.

Ladies’ Evening Group (LEGS)
For those of us who are in town – we will hold our next LEGS on Monday 20th August – from 19:00 at Ha Long on Hölderlinplatz.
Please mail Anne – if you’d like to join us.


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