Home Church Resources – Trinity5 – Sunday 12th July

Theme: ‘Once upon a time’



Opening Hymn:   CP6 New every morning is the love


Opening Prayer

Lord, we might not be sitting by a lake today.
However, as the crowds eagerly gathered
to listen to the stories and truths you told them,
we too await your word to us.
With joy in our hearts, and anticipation,
we pray that you will give us listening ears,
and hearts open to receive your love,
your teaching, and your wisdom.
Help our lives to be full to bursting, bearing your fruit.

 A Prayer of Thanksgiving

Gracious God,
we thank you that all good gifts come from you.
We thank you for all you have already given us.
And, as the good soil welcomes the seed,
and causes it to grow,
we welcome you to take root and flourish in our lives.


Psalm 65.8-13

Response: You crown the year with your goodness

The Gospel:

Jesus tells the crowds a parable of seed being sown onto different sorts of ground. Later, he explains it to the disciples as an illustration of how different people respond to hearing the word of the kingdom.

Audio reflection: based on the Gospel

Transcript – Sermon Trinity 5 2020 – The sower and the seed


  • How often do you hear a good story ?
  • Why are stories (including parables) so powerful ?


Prayers of Intercession

Lord God, we pray today for all the people
given the great task of spreading your gospel.

We pray for the Church worldwide,
but in particular in the places where people
are still persecuted for their beliefs.

We pray for ministers, both here at St Catherine’s and also in other churches where we also belong,
as they prayerfully seek your face, and bring us the words
and understanding we need to become more faithful followers of you.

We pray for writers and poets and musicians, as they pore over your word,
and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit
to bring your message to life on the page.

We pray for artists and all craftspeople who draw inspiration
from your word, and speak to us through their creations.

Collect for Trinity5:  

Almighty God send down upon your Church the riches of your Spirit and kindle in all who minister the gospel your countless gifts of grace; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

The ‘Our Father’
We draw all our prayers together in the words of –
Our Father who art in heaven…
…for ever and ever. Amen.

Affirmation of Faith:

We believe in God the Father
From whom every family in heaven and on earth is named.

We believe in God the Son
Who lives in our hearts through faith and fills us with his love.

We believe in God the Holy Spirit
Who strengthens us with power from on high.

We believe in one God
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.                                                                    based on Ephesians 3

A sending out prayer

Lord God, the world outside awaits us
with all its troubles and uncertainties
– but also with its opportunities.
Send us out now, in your name,
to look consciously for ways
of seeing you in the world around,
and to act accordingly.

Closing Hymn: CP 391 Blest are the pure in heart


Organ Voluntary: