Ordinary Time – Trinity2

These next weeks and months have the grand title of Ordinary Time. This simply means that we are not on one of the two great liturgical journeys (Advent – Christmas – Epiphany and Lent – Holy Week – Easter). It allows for coming off the lectionary if that is local tradition. Instead might come surprises like outdoor services or a preaching series on a particular topic or Bible Book which during the liturgical journeys, time does not allow. 

Theme: The growing adventure

Gathering and Opening Prayers

A call to worship and a gathering prayer

Here we are, Creator God, Lord and Spirit,
standing before you, grounded on the earth,
our hands stretched high like a tree.
You fill us with amazement, wonderful God.

A Prayer of Confession and Assurance of Forgiveness

God of all,
you do not force growth but nurture it.
Forgive us when we want too much too soon.
You do not start big but start small.
Forgive us when we want too much too soon.
You do not sow greedily but graciously.
Forgive us when we want too much too soon.
You do not hurry the harvest but hallow it.
Forgive us when we want too much too soon.
Forgive us, and accept the work of our hands,
in Jesus’ name.

The Collect for Trinity2

Faithful Creator whose mercy never fails:
deepen our faithfulness to you
and to your living Word
Jesus Christ our Lord.


Gathering around the Word

Bible Reading: Mark 4.26-34

In Mark’s Gospel, Jesus shares two parables about growth, patience and hope. As Jesus continues to draw crowds who gather to listen to his teaching, these parables speak about how this teaching is heard and received. The adventure of discipleship is how faith can grow from a small seed to a colossal plant with far-reaching branches, if the right environment is provided.

The natural world speaks to us of God’s presence and nature. Tuning in to our place in the realities and rhythms of nature can help us to reflect on our spiritual journey with God, as does allowing praise to well up within us and lamenting our failure to help God lovingly tend creation. It is good to reflect on ways to pick up this urgent task together and individually.

Bible Discussion:

  • What helps you to flourish?
  • Where do you see God’s kingdom-values at work in your community?

Bible Reflections:

(Reading for St Barnabas – 11th June – Acts 11. 19-30)


An Affirmation of Faith:

We believe in God the Father,
from whom every family
in heaven and on earth is named.

We believe in God the Son,
who lives in our hearts through faith,
and fills us with his love.

We believe in God the Holy Spirit,
who strengthens us
with power from on high.

We believe in one God;
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

cf Ephesians 3

Gathering in Prayer

Prayers of Intercession

Eternal, ever-present God, visible and yet invisible,
we bring our prayers for those we know
and those unknown to us.
We seek to journey with you and with them,
to support and uphold them with prayer and love.

For those who journey with illness and pain,
transform them by your grace, Lord.
For those searching for meaning and purpose,
transform them by your grace, Lord.
For those wanting to belong and yet seemingly
always on the edge,
transform them by your grace, Lord.
For those who lack confidence in themselves,
transform them by your grace, Lord.
For those who have no faith, no vision for an eternal future,
transform them by your grace, Lord.
For those who live with lies, secrets and untruths,
transform them by your grace, Lord.
For those who live without the very basic foundations of life:
without food and water and homes,
transform them by your grace, Lord.

By praying for these, we know that we must walk and work
hand in hand with you, to relieve their suffering and pain.
We trust our prayers, our loving and our living, to your
almighty and eternal presence.

The Our Father

We join with others of the St Catherine’s family across the globe
in our preferred form or language.

Our Father…… 

The Sending Out

A sending out prayer

Go in peace to love and serve God’s world.
It is beautiful and you are part of it.
It is our sacred commission to help God love it.


A Blessing

Organ Voluntary