Ordinary Time – Trinity6

These next weeks and months have the grand title of Ordinary Time. This simply means that we are not on one of the two great liturgical journeys (Advent – Christmas – Epiphany and Lent – Holy Week – Easter). It allows for coming off the lectionary if that is local tradition. Instead might come surprises like outdoor services or a preaching series on a particular topic or Bible Book which during the liturgical journeys, time does not allow. 

Theme: The practice of power

Gathering and Opening Prayers


A call to worship and a gathering prayer

As we come together today,
let us be mindful of our words and actions
and the impact they have on those around us.
Let us seek God’s wisdom and love
to guide us in all that we seek to do,
today and in days to come.

Almighty God, we praise you
that you show us how to use power wisely.
Help us, as we worship together,
to learn more of your ways,
to understand that our actions have consequences,
and to seek your wisdom in making decisions
that may impact on others.
This we ask in Jesus’ name.

The Collect for Trinity6

Creator God
you made us all in your image:
may we discern you in all that we see
and serve you in all that we do;
though Jesus Christ our Lord.


Gathering around the Word

Bible Reading: Mark 6:14-29

John the Baptist has criticised Herod’s wife, Herodias. Therefore, she becomes angry and wants to kill John. Although Herod is enraged too, he respects John and knows that he is a holy man. At a party, Herod promises his stepdaughter anything she wants, and on her mother’s advice she asks for the head of John the Baptist. Although Herod doesn’t want to kill John, he has to keep a promise made in front of his guests.

It is a story that raises questions about who influences us, who we listen to, and what governs our actions.

Bible Discussion:

  • What or who influences – or perhaps rules – your thoughts and actions?
  • How do we make sure that God has a say in our key decisions?

Bible Reflections:

An Affirmation of Faith:

We believe in God the Father,
from whom every family
in heaven and on earth is named.

We believe in God the Son,
who lives in our hearts through faith,
and fills us with his love.

We believe in God the Holy Spirit,
who strengthens us
with power from on high.

We believe in one God;
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

cf Ephesians 3

Gathering in Prayer

Prayers of Intercession

Words and actions have consequences. They can hurt or heal. Build or break. Herod’s rash words and subsequent actions in today’s Gospel reading had dire consequences.

We pray for all people today whose words and actions have led to negative life-changing results. We pray for those who have succumbed to peer pressure. All who have been pressured into doing wrong and find themselves living with the consequences.
God of all power, love and faithfulness, hear our prayer.

We pray for people of all ages trapped in toxic relationships. For victims of abuse. For the lonely and the elderly in our communities. All those whose vulnerability is exploited by the actions of others.
God of all power, love and faithfulness, hear our prayer.

We pray for the government and all those in power arguing about the timing of lifting all Covid restrictions. We pray for Christians in parliament. For ambassadors. For peacemakers everywhere. May they speak your truths and be heard.
God of all power, love and faithfulness, hear our prayer.

We pray for all medical staff in these times. That more doctors and nurses will be recruited as many leave due to demanding workloads and the exhausting toll of the pandemic. We pray for the sick, the exhausted, the bereaved. For all care givers everywhere.
God of all power, love and faithfulness, hear our prayer.

We pray for the church that it will stand and act upon your Word without compromise. We pray for all who minister and lead us. For all who you call to speak out. That we, your people will, like Amos, listen, hear and respond in the power of your Holy Spirit. We pray you will strengthen, guide and guard.
God of all power, love and faithfulness, hear our prayer.
May your love and truth direct us in all things. Amen.

The Our Father

We join with others of the St Catherine’s family across the globe
in our preferred form or language.

Our Father…… 

The Sending Out

A sending out prayer

Heavenly Father,
from the very beginning of Genesis,
we see the relationship between word and action –
you spoke and it was so.
As we leave this place,
may we be aware of our words and actions.
May the Holy Spirit guide us,
so that what we say and what we do
builds up your kingdom,
and breaks down barriers.
This we ask in Jesus’ name.


A Blessing

Organ Voluntary