Ordinary2 – 14. February 2021

Theme: Wow



Opening Hymn:


An Opening Prayer
Almighty God,
we ask you to show us something more of who you are
and how awesome your presence is.
Overcome our fear of the unknown,
and lead us into a new experience of you.
May our worship today be as on a mountain-top,
a transforming encounter that empowers our discipleship.


The Bible Reading: 

Jesus invites his three closest disciples to go up a mountain with him. The disciples are dazzled by Jesus’ altered appearance. In contrast to the voice that spoke to Jesus at his baptism, this time a voice speaks directly to the disciples and tells them to ‘listen to him’, before they then head back down the mountain.
This mountain-top experience provides a glimpse of the glory of God, but it is a passing experience. Have you had an unexpected or intense awareness of the glory of God? Was it difficult to leave the experience behind, wanting to hold onto it even as everyday life continued? How can we tune into God’s ‘wow’ moments in our lives?


  • How well does this image illustrate your experience of ‘wow’ moments?
  • What experiences have been most transformative in your life?
  • How do you feel about ‘coming back down the mountain’ after a ‘wow’ moment?

Audio reflection:


Come Lord of light, transfigure us
Increase our vision and reveal to us your glory
May your church seek to transform our darkest places within your light.
May we seek out the lost and the deprived, the poor and the rejected and bring them home to you and your love.
Lord touch us and transfigure us.

Come Lord of light, transfigure our towns and our cities
We pray for areas of danger, for areas with poor housing and for street dwellers
Lord transform our places of poverty and change our attitudes.
Lord touch us and transfigure us.

Come Lord of light, transfigure our homes
That they may be radiant with your presence.
Make them homes of peace and kindness, of holiness and hospitality, of grace and goodness
That you may be known among us.
Lord touch us and transfigure us.

Come Lord of light and love, transfigure our hospitals and care homes and other places that care for the sick, the dying, those at risk.
We pray for the fearful and the anxious.
We pray for those whose diagnosis or tests or treatments are on hold.
We pray for all who seek healing and hope.
Lord touch us and transfigure us.

Lord of light and love abide with us this day and always.

Almighty Father,
whose Son was revealed in majesty
before he suffered death upon the cross:
give us grace to perceive his glory,
that we may be strengthened to suffer with him
and be changed into his likeness, from glory to glory;
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.

The ‘Our Father’
We draw all our prayers together in the words of –
Our Father who art in heaven…
…for ever and ever. Amen.

A sending out prayer
Lord Jesus, raise our expectations
of what it means to encounter God
not just in this place but in every place,
in all the places we shall be in the days ahead.
Help us every day to discover something new
about God’s ways, about what God wants of us –
and change the way we see the world,
and the way we act.


 Closing Hymn: