Holy Saturday

Welcome to Holy Saturday

The Exsultet:
is only one piece of a Holy Saturday Night Liturgy or Eucharist.
It would only ever be a Eucharist / Mass if it goes over midnight into Easter Sunday
(echoes of the Christmas Midnight Eucharist or Mass)
Attendees of the Holy Saturday service here at St Catherine’s, as shared with the Old Catholics and also the Leonhardskirche, usually hear the Exsultet in German so it is a real treat this year to hear it in English, as taken from Common Worship.
Take time to listen to it more than once of you can (it’s only 10 minutes long)

The Exultet is a scripture journey of what this night means,
as such it has echoes of Christmas eve ‘this night… this night… this night…’
or the ’story telling’ aspect of a carol service say

The Holy Saturday Collect:
In the depths of our isolation we cry to you Lord God:
Give light in our darkness
and bring us out of the prison of our despair;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.