Risk Assessments

In Church buildings:
Generally the practice is that regular / frequent events have an ongoing risk assessment that is updated annually unless there are reasons to make that more frequent (like a pandemic). Church services and any groups that meet weekly or monthly fit in here.
OutdoorChurch events are broadly similar but updated when there is anew venue / site.

The Refugee Ministry:
This has its own cluster of risk assessments. A broad KK assessment is posted below, but the children’s work (at the same time) and the (twice weekly) drop-in sessions and library visit(s) all have risk assessments embedded in the ongoing log that is kept and can be provided on request.

Service Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment Council Meetings

Katholikentag_Evensong RiskAssessment – 28.05.2022

Out of doors:


In Anglican Centre:


Refugee Ministry:
