Vocation – giving of time and talents

For those of you who appreciate the theology, or an opportunity to reflect – you will know that on a variety of platforms including, but not only, the pulpit, I have stressed the link between Baptism and Vocation. The same of course can be said but in a more focused and immediate way about Confirmation and Vocation. The equivalent ‘coming of age’ stages in other faiths mark the candidates as being spiritually ‘adults’, and as such fully active and fully responsible. (When I was a school chaplain I was invited to attend the Bar/Bat Mitzvah of 13 year olds and these same youngsters then going on to lead services and to preach)

Every Baptised Christian has a Vocation. When persons baptised are little people – then it is the role and duty of the parents and godparents to help the growing children discern their vocation. It is the role and duty of the wider church family to nurture those vocations in children and young people. This is done through encouragement but also through the confidence building that comes with being allowed to exercise gifts. This is what we promise at every baptism service.
Find out more about ways to become involved here.

For those of you who prefer a good story to theology – read through to the end of this document and there you might just find one.