If you have settled in with us at St. Catherine’s and made this your church in Stuttgart, now is the time to consider whether you would like to be added to the electoral roll.
This is a way for your to formalise your membership and sense of belonging. It doesn’t invalidate any church membership elsewhere, but it does allow you to vote and stand for election at the Annual Church Meeting.
But you maybe asking – what does this actually mean and can / should I fill out an Enrollment Form? If you have a question that can’t be answered here or the form doesn’t download for you please e-mail electoral_roll_officer@stcatherines-stuttgart.de
What does being on the electoral roll allow me to do?
– to attend and vote at the Annual Church Meeting
– to stand for election to the Chaplaincy Council
– to stand for election as Church Warden
Who can be listed on the electoral roll?
– you must be over 16 years of age
– you must be baptised
– be a member of the Church of England – (or a Church in communion with the Church of England) and have worshipped at St. Catherine’s on a regular basis over the last six months
– have worshipped regularly at St. Catherine’s over the last six months and be a member of another church which subscribes to the doctrine of the Holy Trinity.
It all sounds a little complicated – but basically if you’ve been happily worshipping with us on a regular basis at St. Catherine’s for over six months – and have been baptised – you can sign up for the electoral roll. Those at St. Catherine’s should tick either box 2B or 2C.
The roll is completely renewed every six years. To ensure that it is up to date it is revised annually each the spring. This is especially important in a church like St. Catherine’s where people who have moved away or no longer worship regularly with us can be removed on a yearly basis.
So, you are not making a life long commitment, but if you wish to make a commitment to the life of St. Catherine’s, please return your form to
Electoral Roll Privacy Statement
Please be assured, being listed on the electoral roll of St Catherine’s does not negate any other church membership which you may have elsewhere.