Invitation to the Lenten Course of the Diocese of Europe:
Celebrating Nicaea
Our warden, Howard Perry, would like to invite you to this course in Lent, which he will lead. We shall meet weekly in the Anglican Centre at 6:30 PM on the following Tuesdays: 11, 18, and 25 March and 1 and 8 April. The meetings will primarily be discussion sessions (90 minutes) which presuppose that the participants have done the necessary preparation (reading, watching short videos, thinking). All participants will receive material for their preparation and the sessions. He is looking forward to a common adventure with the participants over Lent.
Why are we thinking about the Nicene Creed during Lent?
The year 2025 marks the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea, a key moment in the history of Christian faith and for the journey towards Christian unity.
In 325 AD, the Council of Nicaea brought together for the first time bishops from all over the then Christian world to reflect on the nature and identity of Jesus Christ, and what it means to speak of him as both divine and human. It began a process that was eventually to lead, sixty or so years later, to the formulation of what is now call the Nicene Creed, regularly used by millions of Christians, including Anglicans, to proclaim their faith Sunday by Sunday.
This course aims to help us in three ways:
- To learn about the Nicene Creed, and the place of creeds more generally in the church’s life and liturgy
- To understand the meaning of the Nicene Creed. The words of the Creed are not straightforward.
- To be inspired by the Nicene Creed. Deeper understanding of our faith is never for our sake only, but so that we may serve God more faithfully, in worship and mission.
The five sessions have the following themes:
- Session 1 – Why Creeds?
- Session 2 – Which God?
- Session 3 – One Lord: Definitely Divine
- Session 4 – One Lord: Wholly Human
- Session 5 – The Spirit & The Church
Consider this invitation prayerfully and please sign up by 25 February by e-mailing
If Tuesday doesn’t suit, or you would rather take part online, there is also the opportunity to study the same material with a group from the German Deanery led by Revd. Martin George, on of the PTOs in Berlin. Further details can be found here Lent Studies 2025. Please note you have to register for this course to receive the zoom code.