Lessons & Carols 2025
This service is scheduled for 13th December @17:00 in the Leonhardskirche.
If you are interested in joining the scratch choir please e-mail scratchchoir@stcatherines-stuttgart.de and we will put you on the mailing list for music and rehearsal information.
Our financial Giving in 2024 supported three projects –
This association seeks to support young people in particular difficulties, often in very practical ways. This requires funding and also those able and willing to do voluntary work. The support can be online or in real time. The need can be as immediate as being homeless, or as long term as relationship-based support e.g. bridge building back into families. There is street work and consultation, drop-in and medical help and advice, plus more than can be listed. This is very local work that, we as good neighbours, have supported for a long time along with 3 of our ecumenical partners.
2) Embrace the Middle East
https://embraceme.org/ a Christian Development Charity Tackling Poverty & Injustice in the Middle East.
3)The Anglican Chaplaincy in Kyïv
Christ Church, Kyïv has continued to maintain an Anglican worship presence and ministry to those in need in Ukraine’s capital despite the Russian bombardment. The Church Warden, Christina Laschenko, has spoken movingly of the difficulties of everyday life and the importance of prayer. Below is an extract from her prayer to be found in full on our diocesan website.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, in this time of war in our land we call to you and pray…
We pray for the victory of truth, right-ness, justice, mercy and peace. Confirm what is founded on truth, and establish your love in our hearts: that justice may abound on the Earth, and all peoples rejoice in your peace.
Thank you for giving generously.
Donations can be made by (international) bank transfer using the account details below:
Kontoinhaber : Friends of the English Church e.V.
IBAN: DE39 6009 0100 0587 2530 02
Bank: Volksbank Stuttgart
If you do not have a German bank account you can also donate via PayPal
Please put “Christmas Charitable Giving” in the Verwendungszweck or comment box. Any unlabelled donations will go to support the general work of St. Catherine’s Anglican Chaplaincy in Stuttgart.