Our small choir and talented organists help lead the liturgy and worship during Sunday morning Eucharists and Friday Evensongs.
Visitors or newcomers who are interested in singing with us are always welcome.
The choir usually practices in church in the hour before the service.
For more information about the choir please e-mail music@stcatherines-stuttgart.de
Scratch Choir
On an increasing number of occasions we have had cause and opportunity to gather a Scratch-Choir. The first in recent history was for the ‘Traditional Lessons and Carols’ in December 2019 and more recently at the same service in December 2021.
Coming up is a fresh gathering to sing at the Katholikentag Evensong on Saturday 27. May 2022 @18:00. Some of these voices may then also linger to accompany our marking of Queen Elizabeth’s 70 year reign at St Catherine’s on Saturday 04. June 2022 @17:00 – a ‘Hymns and Pimms’ event, and perhaps even the Confirmation service two weeks after that !
The great joy of having a Scratch Choir is that there are always surprises and some are smaller, others larger, some more, some less experienced. All evoke gratitude for gifts offered in the worship and service of God.
The next opportunity to sing with the scratch-choir will be at the 2023 Traditional Service of Nine Lessons and Carols
If you would like to join in please e-mail scratchchoir@stcatherines-stuttgart.de and put the date in your diary.