Home Church Resources – Trinity6 – Sunday 19th July

Theme: ‘A world of wheat and weeds’



Opening Hymn:    To God be glory, love and praise


Opening Prayer

Lord, sometimes we are just so impatient,
wanting to get on with our lives,
wanting everything better.
But we know, our ways are not your ways.
We come to you
rejoicing in the knowledge that you
can transform our lives
and the lives of those around us –
starting exactly where we are.
Thank you, Lord.

 A Prayer of Thanksgiving

Mighty God,
we come to you in humble adoration.
You take us, such very imperfect people,
and give us the chance to prove that
when we place ourselves in your care
we can be the people you want us to be.
We bless you, Lord.
We praise and adore you.


Psalm 139.1-18, 23-24

Response: Oh Lord you have searched me out and called me

The Gospel:

Jesus tells a seed-related parable about the kingdom of God, and provides its explanation: that evil and its agents in the world will persist alongside the good, despite the coming of the kingdom of God that Jesus was proclaiming.

Audio reflection: based on the Gospel

Transcript of reflection on Matthew 13.24-30, 36-43


  • Where do you see ‘weeds’ and ‘wheat’ growing side by side in the world ?
  • How might God be calling you to cope with the tensions this causes ?

Choir Anthem:


Prayers of Intercession:

Lord God, we pray for our world and its people.
So many different cultures, colours, languages
– but we are all your children, all special in our own right.
Whatever our gender, race, colour or creed, we all belong to you.
We all need your love.

We pray that we might learn to live in harmony with each other,
to recognise that even someone halfway around the world is still
our neighbour in your sight. Far or near, we all belong to you.
We all need your love.

With today’s technology we have access to news from afar,
almost before it happens. Help us not to become blasé about
the situations we see, but to pray and care faithfully for all concerned.
In war or peace, we all belong to you.
We all need your love.

We pray for those near and dear to us: protect them, wrap them
in your loving arms, and in sorrow and in joy, be with them.
Near or far, we all belong to you.
We all need your love.

Collect for Trinity6:  

Creator God you made us all in your image: may we discern you in all that we see and serve you in all that we do.

The ‘Our Father’
We draw all our prayers together in the words of –
Our Father who art in heaven…
…for ever and ever. Amen.

Affirmation of Faith:

We believe in God the Father
From whom every family in heaven and on earth is named.

We believe in God the Son
Who lives in our hearts through faith and fills us with his love.

We believe in God the Holy Spirit
Who strengthens us with power from on high.

We believe in one God
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.                                                                    based on Ephesians 3

A sending out prayer

Lord, thank you that we have been able
to spend time with you today.
We have felt ourselves grow stronger
as we have been blessed with your presence.
Send us out to spread your love,
in your precious name.

Closing Hymn:  I come with joy, a child of God


Organ Voluntary: