Notices for Sunday 18th August – @12:00 – Eucharist

Sunday 18th August – @12:00 – Eucharist
This Sunday will be the first of 2 Sundays with a focus on India in the context of the 77th anniversary of India’s Independence on Aug. 15th. The particular focus this Sunday will be on the Church in India. On Sept. 27th 1947 five independent churches in South India, as widely distinct from each other as Anglicans and Presbyterians, committed to being one Church of South India in an historic act of union in Madras (Chennai).
Indian delights to tickle the palate will be offered after the service in the Anglican Centre.


– – for the families and young people who are part of St. Catherine’s
– for the Church in India, for its witness in a country where the majority are of other faiths and especially for those discriminated against because of their Christian beliefs
– for those travelling for work, pleasure or due to circumstances beyond their control

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