Catch up on Christmas liturgies and thinking ahead…
- Our Christmas HomeChurch resources are still available if you now have more time to pause and enjoy them.
- On a less serious note our St. Catherine’s Christmas Cracker – Seasonal Sillies page is now live and offering a little Christmas cheer
- Time to look out old photos? St. Valentine’s Day (14th February) is a time when we traditionally think of romantic love. As it looks likely we will still be restricted in our social interactions in the coming weeks, maybe we can remind each other what we looked like on our wedding day or our first date with our partner or the first meeting with a special person in our lives… if you dig out and send in a photo, we will create a gallery and you can see who you recognise. (and hopefully in the process will relive some happy memories) please send to or
- Sunday 27th December – 21:00 there will be a service of Compline on Zoom. Please e-mail if you would like to join with this.
- There will be New Year‘s HomeChurch resources online on Sunday 3rd January … (and depending on Corona numbers also R2C on 2nd January)
- Most importantly stay safe – be blessed and be a blessing
For your prayers…

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