Notices for Sunday 1st September – Eucharist @12:00

This Sunday – Eucharist@12:00
followed by coffee in the Anglican Centre

Next Sunday 8th September
Sundays@10 Discussion Group in the Anglican Centre
Eucharist @12:00 with prayers for those starting changing school
with separate activity for 6-13 year olds during the sermon slot.

Launching the St. Catherine’s 2024 survey.

The survey will be available in church, but for those wish to complete it online is also available here. Survey Link

Hearing aid friendly pews
The Old Catholics have identified which pews are best for wearers of hearing aids. These are now labelled and space should be made available in them to those who have need of it.

Refugee and Migrant Ministry

Please share with anyone who could benefit from help with their German language skills

Planning for Lessons & Carols

Would you like to join the Working Group planning this year’s Service of Lessons and Carols? Saturday 7th December TIME
After the initial planning the three main areas music / liturgy / hospitality will most likely work on their own areas, but anyone interested is invited to the first meeting Date Time in the Anglican Centre.
Please contact:
You can also register your interested for the Scratch Choir separately from planning by e-mailing


We pray for those with birthdays and baptism anniversaries in September
We pray for our Chaplain, Wardens and Council meeting this Sunday
We pray for those who will attend the German Classes, starting this week as part of our Refugee and Migrant Ministry.
We pray for all those who are silenced

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