Notices for Sunday 20th November

This Weekend

Sunday 20th November
@12:00 –  Patronal Eucharist

Sundays@10 – Liturgy – an Introduction
For those interested in exploring Anglican Liturgy and Worship and with/without the added option of developing skills for assisting in services
Please register by the end of Friday to allow materials to be prepared by mailing

@12-17:00 – Family Event 
hosted by Refugee Volunteers for ‘new refugee arrivals’
venue is Kinderladen Eierstraße
church members are invited to swing by if you have the time
we can promise games and food (Syrian and Tunisian) and laughter of course

Looking ahead….

Wednesday Bible Study Group
zoom code from

Scratch Choir for Annual Service of Lessons & Carols
We are once again putting together a scratch choir for the
Annual Service of Lessons and Carols,
which this year is taking place on Friday 23rd December, 17:00 at Leonardskirche.
It would be wonderful to have as many as possible singing with us.
If you would like to be involved, or know of anyone who might be interested (e.g. musical friends or family visiting for Christmas), please contact Becka at

At St. Catherine’s we use the word GIVING in 3 distinct ways:

  • Giving allows members and visitors to exercise the stewardship aspect of their discipleship by supporting the church financially. Please note we are a self-supporting church with a negative budget. If you are new to St. Catherine’s or have not yet set up a regular bank transfer, please give what you can online via our virtual collection plate. We have a Retiring Collection at services for any visitors and for those who prefer to ‘give’ in cash.
  • Giving allows members and visitors to exercise the stewardship aspect of their discipleship by giving time – this can be a regular task or role or occasional or help when it is called for usually via Notices.
  • Giving allows the Church itself to exercise its own stewardship by budgeted giving to projects or global areas where needs call for such financial support. For a hint of what we have supported in the past click here
    Projects this year include: Brot für die Welt and Oxfam and Ukraine support


-we pray for the world-wide St Catherines family and give thanks for all who in some way belong to it
-we pray for Ukrainians left with significantly reduced lighting and heating due to attacks on energy infrastructure
-we pray for our ministry to and among refugees from currently 3 different continents as our volunteers explore how to best serve those in greatest need
-we pray for the anxious and the fearful
-we pray that we might each have the courage to make the lifestyle changes that would help heal our planet
-we pray for peace in our world, in our homes, in our hearts
Lord have mercy = Christ have mercy = Lord have mercy

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