This Week:
Sunday 23rd February – Eucharist @12:00
– hosted by Pastoral Group John
followed by coffee in the Anglican Centre
Please let us know whether or not you are attending the Chaplaincy Workshop by using the form here It would help with planning to know who cannot come, as well as who can. Thank you.
Revision of the Electoral Roll
Official Notice is hereby given that a new Electoral Roll is to be prepared in 2025 – all those who have been worshipping regularly at St. Catherine’s, for at least the last six months, are invited to apply for inclusion on the electoral roll.
Forms are available in church.
Members of St. Catherine’s should tick either box 2B or 2C. 2A only applies if you live most of the year in England. If you have any questions or require clarification please e-mail
Deadline for return of forms is 16th March 2025.
Preparing for Lent
News of the Bishop’s Lent Appeal for USPG Refugee work.
Sign up for Lent Course: Celebrating Nicaea
Tuesdays in Lent 18:30-20:00 in the Anglican Centre
Find out more here
Consider this invitation prayerfully and please sign up by 25th February by e-mailing
Ash Wednesday – 5th March @18:30
We will once again join the Old Catholics for their Ash Wednesday service (mainly in German) followed by Fish Supper (Fischessen)
To help with the catering please let us know you are planning to come by 23rd February by e-mailing
If you would have time to help Alison with cooking potatoes then please also let us know.
World Day of Prayer
All are welcome at God’s table! The World Day of Prayer team cordially invites you (men, women, and children) to attend the ecumenical World Day of Prayer service in St. Catherine’s Anglican Church on Friday, March, 7th 2025 at 19.00.
Followed by light Refreshments from the Cook Islands.
If you would like to join the preparation committee the next meetings are Monday, 17th February at 19:00, and Friday, 7th March, at 16:00.
Chaplaincy Workshop – Saturday 15th March – RSVP here
On Sunday 16th March the Old Catholics will be holding their Gemeindeversammlung and have use of the church for the whole day. This presents a great opportunity for us to hold a Chaplaincy Workshop. This workshop will allow us to engage in learning, reflection, and worship together. We will begin at 2:00 PM and conclude with a Communion Worship at around 5:30 PM.
This gathering is intended for all members of the chaplaincy, especially:
- The Church Council and Wardens
- Associate Priests (PTOs)
- All involved in the various ministries and vocations, including but not limited to:
- Choir, liturgy, and music team
- Welcome team
- Ministrants
- Vestry team
- Coffee team
- Refugee team
- All members of the congregation who wish to participate
I am excited about this opportunity to come together, learn, reflect, and explore how we can deepen our engagement in cultivating the Lord’s vineyard and magnify His name through our ministry. I hope you are as enthusiastic as I am about this meaningful endeavour.
Annual Church Meeting
Sunday 6th April @12@00 after the 10:00 service.
We hold in our prayers:
– our new Suffragan Bishop, Revd Canon Andrew Norman as he prepares for his installation on Thursday 27th February
– the nation of Germany in which we live. That those voting and those who are elected may they honour one another and seek the common good.
We remember also those who will be affected by the outcome of the election, but who do not have the right to vote.
– for the Vesperkirche at the Leonhardskirche – for those who serve and those who are served