Notices for Sunday 25th August – Eucharist @12:00

Sunday 25th August – @12:00 – Eucharist
This Sunday will be our second Sunday with a focus on India.
More Indian delights will be on offer after the service with coffee in the Anglican Centre.
Please note that there will be no Sundays@10 this month.September Service Poster

Starting Saturday 7th September @14:00 in the Anglican Centre
German Conversation Classes: part of our Refugee and Migrant Ministry. Open to members of the congregation and anyone you know who is struggling with German.
At the first session the tutors will assess the group’s needs and plan how to go forward.
The classes will be free, but anyone from St. Catherine’s attending, who can afford to, is invited to make a contribution.

Please register interest in attending by emailing


– for our musicians, sacristan and welcome team
– for the Church in India, for its witness in a country where the majority are of other faiths and especially for those discriminated against because of their Christian beliefs
– for Kathy’s Vesper, for those who serve and those who are served


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