This Sunday
Joint Bilingual Eucharist @10:00
We resume our tradition of holding a joint, bilingual service with the Old Catholics on the fifth Sunday in the month. This will be followed by coffee together
Please note: the clocks change !
Finances: Good News / Bad News
Good News:
Many thanks to all those who worked so hard and supported the recent Concert in conjunction with the Archdeaconry Synod and our Open Church event which raised €855 and €1000 respectively!
Bad News:
This only goes a small way to making our books balance.
This year’s budget is currently in a deficit of around €8700.
Over the coming months the council will have some difficult decisions to make as to how we as a Chaplaincy can afford to function in the future.
As we are still living with the after-effects of Covid on Sundays, with irregular attendance and low collections, it is very important that we can rely on planned, regular giving as far as possible, rather than just what comes in the collection plate when people are in church.
Please consider prayerfully how much you can afford to give and set up a regular bank transfer (Dauerüberweisung) for this amount. If you don’t have a Euro account, you can also give via Paypal but as Paypal retains some of your gift in fees, please only use this when a bank transfer is not possible.Our account details can be found here or speak to our Treasurer Jackie –
Many thanks in advance for your support.
Looking ahead….
Two services both of which combine ‘the Feast of All Saints’ and ’the commemoration of All Souls’
Saturday 5th November – 17:00 Eucharist in church with music
Sunday 09:00 Short Said Eucharist in the Anglican Centre
if you have been recently bereaved or wish to mark an anniversary then you are most especially welcome at either but the SA would be more suitable
Wednesday Bible Study Group
zoom code from
Coming up in November: Sundays@10
A series of sessions for learning and discerning.
There are two main strands here:
– one exploring Anglican Liturgy and Worship and developing skills for assisting in services with this
– one based on materials from the ‘Living in Love and Faith’ programme from the Church of England
All sessions will take place in the Anglican Centre on a Sunday morning 10:00-11:30. There might be coffee and croissants (or equivalent) as well as discussion and learning.
All sessions require registration by the Friday before to allow materials to be prepared.
See website for more details Sundays@10
Collection Plates:
St. Catherine’s is a self-supporting church with a negative budget. If you are new to St. Catherine’s or have not yet set up a regular bank transfer, please give what you can online via our virtual collection plate.
We have a Retiring Collection at services for any visitors and for those who prefer to ‘give’ in cash.
-we pray for all who need Healing – including communities, churches, nations, marriages, friendships – and this week the bereaved
-we pray for Ukrainians left with significantly reduced lighting and heating due to attacks on energy infrastructure
-we pray for our ministry to and among refugees from currently 3 different continents
-we pray for the anxious and the fearful
-we pray that we might each have the courage to make the lifestyle changes that would help heal our planet
-we pray for peace in our world, in our homes, in our hearts
Lord have mercy = Christ have mercy = Lord have mercy