This weekend: Chaplaincy Workshop on Saturday 15th March @14:00 followed by Eucharist @17:30.
Hosted by Pastoral Group Luke.
If you haven’t already done so please let us know whether or not you will be attending by completing the form here Thank you.
This meeting is the last opportunity to return your Electoral Roll Form
There will be no Evensong Friday 14th March and no Eucharist on Sunday 16th March.
Feedback on concept of Pastoral Groups
Thank you to those who have already responded. As well as hearing from those who have taken part, we would also like to hear the views of people who have not attended a Pastoral Group Meeting – please let us know your thoughts here
Lent courses – started this week
If you still wish to take part in the Diocesan Lent Course reflecting on the Nicene creed, in person at the Anglican Centre on Tuesdays 18:30-20:00 in the Anglican Centre please let us know.
Find out more here
Annual Chaplaincy Meeting
Sunday 6th April @12@00 after the 10:00 service.
Please start to prayerfully consider whether you are called to stand for the role of Warden and Council Member for the coming year.
Nomination forms will be available from the 15th March.
Request: donations for lunch of quiches or similar which can be eaten without a lot of mess are requested. Please let us know if you can contribute.
We hold in our prayers:
– our Chaplaincy as we meet for our workshop & our Old Catholic brethren as they hold their Gemeindeversammlung this Sunday – that we may be faithful in the worship of God and service to others
– each other, as we embark on our Lenten journey towards Good Friday and Easter
– those seeking peace