This Sunday
Eucharist @12:00
followed by coffee in the Anglican Centre
Thank you to those who attended the Chaplaincy Workshop last Saturday. When the group discussion notes have been received we will circulate a record of the event.
Annual Chaplaincy Meeting
Sunday 6th April @12@00 after the 10:00 service.
Please prayerfully consider whether you are called to stand for the role of Warden and Council Member for the coming year.
To nominate someone for the role of Church Warden you and they must be on the Electoral Roll and complete this form Diocese Nomination for Churchwarden
To nominate someone for the Chaplaincy Council both you and they must be on the Electoral Roll and complete this form Council Nomination Form
Request: donations for lunch of quiches or similar which can be eaten without a lot of mess are requested. Please let us know if you can contribute.
We hold in our prayers:
– those considering standing for election as Church Warden or Chaplaincy Council Member
– each other, as we continue on our Lenten journey towards Good Friday and Easter
– those seeking peace