Home Church Resources – Kingdom Season – Sunday 8th November

Theme: ‘FAQs’



Opening Hymn: O God of Earth and Altar

Opening Prayers
God of consolation,
in all the stories of our lives, you are with us.
As we turn to each other, and turn to you,
may we give and find all the comfort that we need,
knowing that it is in such shelter
that we hear the echoes of your great kindness.

Let us draw near to God.
God draws near to us.
Let us listen to God.
God listens to us.
Let us open our hearts.
God gathers all in the place of the heart.
Let us be nurtured by words of eternal life.
God, yours are the words of life and life abundant.

A Prayer of Confession
O God, we have held parties when you desired purity.
We have held festivals when you desired friendship.
We have made noise when silence was what was needed.
Turn us towards you, who waits for us, in hope –
in a hope that will not die.
Turn us towards you in hope.

A Prayer of Thanksgiving
God, your wisdom draws us in.
It is the bright sun in the morning,
and the soft moon of night.
Your wisdom is the dawn and the dusk,
the kind opening and gentle closing.
We praise you for all your wisdom gives:
strength for continuation;
hope for consolation;
courage for perseverance;
joy for the journey,
and love for all time.


Video reflection: on Matthew 5.1-12

The Bible Reading: 1 Thessalonians 4.13-18

The letter responds to the community’s concern that some have died before the Lord’s return. But those who believe that Jesus died and rose again have nothing to fear. Both those who have died and those who are alive will be with him for ever.


  • What is your hope for the future ?


In peace let us pray to the Lord.

We pray for the leaders of nations, that you will guide them in the ways of freedom and of justice and of truth: Lord in your mercy hear our prayer. Amen.

We pray for those who bear arms on behalf of their and other nations, that they may have discipline and discernment, courage and compassion:
Lord in your mercy hear our prayer. Amen.

We pray for our enemies, and those who wish us harm, that you will turn the hearts of all to kindness and friendship:
Lord in your mercy hear our prayer. Amen.

We pray for the wounded and the captive, the grieving and the homeless, that in all the trials they may know your love and support:
Lord in your mercy hear our prayer. Amen.

Most Holy God hear our prayers for all who strive for peace and all who fight for justice. Help us as we remember the cost of war, to work for a better tomorrow and as we commend to you lives lost in terror and conflict, bring us all, in the end, to the peace of your presence; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Collect for today:
God our refuge and strength bring near the day when wars shall cease and poverty and pain shall end that earth may know the peace of heaven through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Visual Intercessions:

The ‘Our Father’
We draw all our prayers together in the words of –
Our Father who art in heaven…
…for ever and ever. Amen.

Affirmation of Faith:

Do you believe and trust in God the Father,
source of all being and life,
the one for whom we exist?
We believe and trust in him.

Do you believe and trust in God the Son,
who took our human nature,
died for us and rose again?
We believe and trust in him.

Do you believe and trust in God the Holy Spirit,
who gives life to the people of God
and makes Christ known in the world?
We believe and trust in him.

This is the faith of the Church.
This is our faith.
We believe and trust in one God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Act of Commitment: from Remembrance Sunday liturgy

Let us commit ourselves to responsible living and faithful service.

Will you strive for all that makes for peace ?
Will you seek to heal the wounds of war ?
Will you work for a just future for all humanity ?
(response to each question online is in your own heart or I will)

Merciful God we offer to you the fears in us that have not yet been cast out by your love:
May we accept the hope you have placed in the hearts of all people and live lives of justice and courage and mercy; through Jesus Christ our risen Redeemer. Amen.

A sending out prayer
We have been gathered into faith by you, God,
the source of all wisdom and wonder.
In your infinite kindness, you show goodness to all.
May we, who have been nurtured by your consolation and welcome,
share consolation and welcome with all we meet,
knowing that from your great goodness,
all goodnesses flow.


Closing Hymn: O God our help in ages past

Organ Voluntary: