Solemnity and Celebration

  • Maundy Thursday – 19:00 in the Anglican Centre
  • Good Friday – 18:00 in church.
  • The Easter Vigil –  21:00 – Starting at Leonhardskirche and ending at St. Catherine’s
  • Easter Communion – 11:15 – St. Catherine’s
    A service of Holy Communion to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. There will be two Sunday school classes during the sermon on the theme of “new beginnings” one for 4-8 year olds and one for 9-13 year olds.
    Following the service there will be a bring and share cake & finger food reception – bring something simple to share together in the Gemeindesaal. There will also be an Easter Bunny Hunt for the children during the reception.

Hymns for Maundy Thursday
An upper room
Brother, Sister let me serve you…
O love how deep,

Hymns for Good Friday
O sacred head sore wounded
– Faithful Cross

Hymns for Easter Sunday
Alleluia, Alleluia …
Thine be the glory…
Jesus Christ is risen today…
Good Christians

Bible Study – there will be a Bible study meeting with Holy Communion at the Anglican Centre tonight – Wednesday 28th March, led by Solomon. The Gospel reading for the Wednesday of Holy Week is John 13:21-32 (see below).

Women’s Group – Our next meeting is on Thursday, 19th April from 10 until 12 in the Anglican Centre. We are planning on repairing the Hymn and Service books. Lauris promised to provide the tape but strong glue and scissors would be useful.  Hope to see you there. Many hands make light work!

Annual General Meeting
Sunday 15th April – post-service – Annual General Meeting: hear the review of the St. Catherine’s church year, the budget for the coming year and vote for your new wardens and council.
Now is the time to start considering if you are being called to serve on our next church council or as a church warden. To express your interest please contact Christopher If you wish to know more about what is involved talk to Eric or Mark.
If you wish to vote or stand for election to the church council or as a warden you must be on the Electoral Roll at St. Catherine’s before the AGM. Please complete an electoral roll form and return it to Frances or

Saturday 21st April – 12:00pm
Installation of Rev’d. Kara Werner as chaplain of St. Catherine’s. Join us to welcome our new chaplain.

After the service we will be providing refreshments for all those who attend the service.  Any contributions would be very welcome: these should be any kinds of finger foods: sandwiches, savoury biscuits, slices of quiche, mini-pizzas , sausage rolls, national delicacies etc. –  and cakes as well as we will probably run into teatime.  We won’t have space or the facilities to warm up any food or provide seating for everybody for a sit-down meal so finger food is essential. Thank you for your help.
Contact Alison

Welcome Book for Kara – with a flat found Kara’s arrival is now much more concrete. We would like to prepare a welcome book for her, introducing her to her new congregation and providing her with a reference so that she can check if she can’t remember the name of the person who spoke to her after the service about a baptism, or the phone number of the person who invited her for coffee. A template can be found here. If you would like to provide an A4 page for this book with your name, that of any relevant family members, maybe a photo, contact details and any information about your family that you would like to share with our new chaplain then please send it to or pass it directly to Frances by 8th April at the latest. This book will be for Kara’s personal use and not for circulation.

Future Dates
Sunday 29th April – 17:00 – Leonhardskirche – American-German Gospel concert
Saturday 16th June – English Book Sale
22nd July – 150th Anniversary of St. Catherine’s

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