26th September – Harvest Eucharist at Solitude
29th August – water, water everywhere
25th July – in the park
A dramatised reading of Scripture: 2 Kings 5: The story of Naaman
with the question: who was the hero of the story?
“The kids love the Drama telling from the Bible and the Part me and their father played. The dropping of the rain – I personally love it, why? because we almost stop church because of the weather, but I told them let’s move with faith that is not gonna be too heavy”
“Water featured in the story and in the location. At different points in the service we prayed for our God-Children and thought about our own baptisms… the “soft, refreshing rain” falling from heaven during Communion was a different way of remembering our baptism”
27th June – Service at the Schloss

“The best part of the service was that you could touch stuff”
“It was a great way to reconnect with St. Catherine’s”
“The weather was sooo interesting”
“I loved all the songs, my Mum did too, she knew them from back home”
“I liked finding the stone”
“I liked writing on top of the stone”
“I loved the setting of the circle and the family picnic after the service”
“We all loved the service. Q especially loved painting the rock and walking around to experience the park. T loved just getting to meet at a unique location for church. And, for what it’s worth, G and I love the poem and intercession today…they will be great for personal and family meditation throughout the week.”
Thoughts on Rocks
“And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church” Matthew 16.18
Some rocks are hard as granite.
Some like sandstone can be flaky.
It crumbles and erodes.. into sand.
Sand is used to make glass.
Glass can be fashioned into objects of beauty.
Such as stained glass windows of St. Peter.
Join us for our other outdoor services or in church during July, August and September.