Advent – Day17

Welcome to the St Catherine’s
Advent Calendar

On the Third Sunday of Advent we lit a Third candle:
the candle of JOY.
If you have advent candles at home – light Three candles each day until next Sunday.
Here is a Prayer you might like to use as you do so:

We light this candle to mark the great things that God does for us and that in Jesus he brings joy to us all.

God by his prophets promised joy even amid difficulties.
We are God’s children:
Lord make us one in the joy of your Spirit today and forever. Amen.

Bible Reading

The shepherds visit – Luke 2.15-20


Carol – Whilst shepherds watched their flocks

Advent Antiphons

These antiphons, or refrains, all beginning ‘O …’, were sung according to the Roman use, on the seven days preceding Christmas Eve (17–23 December). They are addressed to God, calling for him to come, with a tapestry of scriptural titles and pictures that describe his saving work in Christ. It is not known when and by whom the antiphons were composed, but they were already in use by the eighth century.

Here I will for each of these ‘days’ give the title and the relevant verse from that famous Advent Hymn for you to read or sing.

December 17 – O come thou wisdom from on high

O come thou wisdom from on high
Who madest all in earth and sky
Creating man from dust and clay
To us reveal salvation’s way.
Rejoice ! Rejoice ! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.