“A few more questions to get you thinking … about stewardship

Last Sunday in church, we began the 2018 stewardship campaign, guided by our bible motto: “For who am I, and what is my people, that we should be able to make this offering? For all things come from you, and of your own we have given you.” (1 Chron 29.14)

We asked the congregation two questions, “What are the things you like best about St. Catherine’s?“ and “What is needed to make these things happen?“, and you came up with lots of answers! To see what answers we collected, look at the photo of the flip-chart.

As „homework“, we asked you to think about your favourite ways of supporting St. Catherine’s.

In answer to the question about what resources we need to keep St. Catherine’s up and running, four big points emerged:
We need space to worship in.
We need clergy people to lead us in our devotions.
We need lots of volunteers, to organize church life, to make music, to help with services, fellowship and fundraisers.
Last but not least, we need money.

This last point is what we would like to discuss with you in next week’s service, and in preparation, we have another three questions for you to mull over:

  1. What do you think it costs per day to keep the community life of St. Catherine’s going at its current level?
  2. What do you think are the three biggest bills that St. Catherine’s has to pay every year?
  3. How do you think St. Catherine’s gets the funds it needs to pay those bills?l

If you want to find out the answers to these questions, come to church next Sunday or watch this space next week!”

Bible Study
Bible study will begin again on Wednesday 26 September at 7.30pm at the Anglican Centre, Olgastraße 56, 70182 Stuttgart.
Katy – biblestudy@stcatherines-stuttgart.de

Women’s Group
Our next meeting will be on 27th September 2018 from 10 until 12 in the Anglican Centre. Please note that this is the FOURTH Thursday in the month not the usual THIRD, as I am on holiday during the third week of September and everybody in the group agreed to the change. See you then.
Alison women@stcatherines-stuttgart.de

Ladies’ Evening Group (LEGS) – September meeting cancelled
Will meet on Monday 15th October – 19:00 at Injeera Please e-mail legs@stcatherines-stuttgart.de if you would like to join us.

we give thanks for Kara’s ministry in Stuttgart and pray that she will return refreshed from her holidays.
As we are still enjoying sunshine in Germany, there are many parts of the world suffering under too much water: we pray for those in the Philippines, Nigeria, the east coast of the US and India suffering the effects of flooding and storm surges.

the ‘Harvest Festival’ this year will fall on Sunday 14.10.18 – please bring tins and dried goods to give to Schwäbische Tafel (food bank)

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