Notices for Sunday 5th May – Eucharist with Baptism @10:00

This Sunday – 5th May @10:00
We welcome a family from England for the baptism o their daughter, to be held at St. Catherine’s to allow family near here to attend.
Please join us after the service for coffee.

This service will also be streamed on Zoom – if you would like to join us online the Zoom-Meeting-ID is: 93207597564 and the Pin 144000
Read about Laverne’s zoom experience here.

Saturday 4th May
We are all warmly invited to join the Old Catholics for their Katharinenfest starting with a Eucharist at 15:00 and continuing with fellowship activities.

Thank You

Dear everyone,
My wife Liberty and younger son Erm are on their way now back to the Philippines. I and my family are happy to finally see each other together as a whole family after five years. Our staying together though short has had brought some realizations and plans for the family.
Thank you for the warm welcome and the huge help to make this family reunion come true. I will treasure this help forever in my heart.
Blessings to you all.

Ascension Day Hike – 9th May

Celebrating the tradition of climbing hills on Ascension Day we will hike from St. Catherine’s to Birkenkopf (5km) and then on to Schloss Solitude (+8km)
This event has now been opened up to all those in the congregation who are up for walking c.15 km.
First meeting point: St. Catherine’s @10:00
Second meeting point: Birkenkopf c. 12:00
Final Destination: Schloss Solitude
Please bring your own packed lunch and sufficient water for the day.
Return to Stuttgart on the 92 Bus from Birkenkopf or Solitude.
If you are planning to join us please e-mail


We pray for those with baptism anniversaries and birthdays in May
We pray for Larissa and her family and Godparents as she is baptised this Sunday
We pray for all our young people and those who care for them
We pray for places and people in conflict and those who seek to bring peace.


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