Notices for Sunday 12th May – Eucharist @12:00

This Sunday – 12th May Eucharist @12:00
Please join us after the service for coffee.

Ascension Day Hike
If you weren’t able to join us on our Ascension Day Hike, you missed glorious weather, good conversation and ice-cream.
(And maybe for some a sense that, spurred on by the Chaplain and the Spirit, we can achieve things we didn’t think we were capable of – all those with tired legs after climbing to Birkenkopf stayed the course and arrived at Solitude.)

Ascension Day Hike 2024 – Photos

Preparing for Pentecost

Dear friends, brothers and sisters,
On 19th May, Pentecost Sunday, there will be a celebration of faith and our diversity.
In our worship, we will celebrate this through the various languages spoken by the members and service attendees in our chaplaincy in our scriptural readings and prayers of intercession, thus your chaplain is asking you for the following:

  1. Please indicate that you will participate by reading either the first lesson (Acts 2:1-21) or second lesson (Romans 8:14-17) in your mother tongue.
  2. We also ask for a short (1 sentence) intercessory prayer in your language or dialect which may include any one or several of the following themes: love, peace, justice, unity, family, society, the church, your country, service. Also make an English translation for the community to understand your prayers.
  3. Please submit them to the Communications Officer on Sunday 12th May or at the latest on Wednesday 15th May.

Together let us celebrate our faith and diversity.

Blessings to us all.


We pray for the Refugee Committee meeting before the service this Sunday, that God will guide and bless this ministry.
We pray for those who mourn the loss of loved ones
We pray for all those who are waiting
We pray for places and people in conflict and those who seek to bring peace.


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