Notices for Sunday 9th June – Eucharist @12:00

This Sunday – Eucharist @12:00
With focus on the Philippines.
This service will also be streamed on Zoom – if you would like to join us online the Zoom-Meeting-ID is: 93207597564 and the Pin 144000
Read about Laverne’s zoom experience here.
followed by coffee in the Anglican Centre.

Next Sunday – Eucharist @12:00
with focus on the beginning of the UN Refugee Week


Last week’s sermon
With apologies from Julie for not being able to deliver this in person last Sunday, but it is worth a read for anyone who is also has only previously come across Fronleichnam/Corpus Christi as a Roman Catholic Feast and is also asking “Why are we commemorating it in the Church of England?” Sermon for Corpus Christi 2024

Invitation to OutdoorChurch

When: Sunday 7th July @11:30
What: Informal time of worship, prayer, learning, discussion, fellowship and sharing – with picnic. Suitable for all ages
Where: Behind Schloss Solitude

How to get there:
Bus 92 @10:32 from Rotebühlplatz
or by car. The main carpark is marked on the map, but there is some parking closer to the Schloss.
What to bring: picnic blanket, folding chair if you can’t sit on the ground, picnic, plus maybe something to share, a sense of openness and adventure.
NB: There are public toilets at Solitude.


for those standing for election in the EU, Ireland, Germany and the UK, and for those voting for them
for those recently elected in India, South Africa and Mexico
for those who do not have the right to choose their government
for our Diocesan Synod, meeting next week near Köln



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