Bible Study – as we gather around the Word

Wednesday 24.06.20

Matthew  16.13-19 

We think about Peter when he declared Jesus to be the Messiah. Jesus responded to Peter by making huge promises to him. Jesus saw the potential in Peter.


  • What question(s) would you say the following raises for you / us ?

Sometimes he got things gloriously right,
sometimes he got things spectacularly wrong.
Sometimes he got them right, and wrong all at once,
like when he walked on the water… then sank.

But, Jesus, you could never ignore him,
because there he was, eager to learn,
eager to discuss, argue, find out, and try out,
eager to do whatever it took.

And you made some amazing promises
to Peter, of all people, Jesus –
funny, muddled, brave, kind, Peter,
sometimes right and sometimes wrong.
And they were promises you kept, too, Jesus.
Here we are, all these years later,
sometimes right, sometimes wrong,
but following Jesus, like Peter.


  • For all those of our group who cannot be with us tonight…..
  • That the challenges of this passage would be made real in our own lives…..
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