Chaplain’s Musings – Mo 13th February 2023

When is a musings not a musings – when it’s an appeal

we have prayed often enough for all those who work hard to set and meet targets that might help our world not to burn up
we have wrestled ourselves to see what we can do to adjust our livestyles……

let us try at St Catherine’s a few weeks of going Paperless
in the next couple of months there will be more services without a printed sheet than with
available will always be the Common Worship service book (black) and Hymn book (black)

there will also be a sheet at the back every week for you to scribble on please
less helpful –
I don’t like it
more helpful –
I miss being able to read along during the scripture readings
I miss having the collect and other seasonal extras

because these specifics we may be able to solve …..

(positive comments also permitted Ed.)

we will review in April during Easter season which gives us time before the interregnum begins to put things in place

(the specials – Joint bi-lingual services/ Lessons and Carols/ Christmas and Easter Day…
will of course retain their printed service orders)

I commend this to your prayers but also to your patience as change is rarely easy


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