Notices for Sunday 7th July – OutdoorChurch @11:30

This Sunday: OutdoorChurch – Sunday 7th July @11:30 behind Solitude.
Full details of where to come, what to bring can be found on the website
Please use the form to let us know you plan to come – if you do so we can contact you on Sunday morning if too much rain decides to join our worship.

RIP Eric Jarman
Message from +Antonio: I received a message from Renate that Eric passed away this morning. (04.07.2024) My prayers for Eric to rest in peace and for him to rise in God‘s glory. May his soul and the souls of all departed rest in peace. Amen.

Eric was a long standing member of St. Catherine’s, for many years he served as Church Warden, sung in the choir, performed in musical entertainments, offered hospitality and friendship. Less active in recent years, due to ill health, he still made every effort to be in church, and in his last illness enjoyed the chance to join the service via Zoom. He will be greatly missed. Our prayers are with Renate and Eric’s extended family and friends.

Missed a service – check out our Sermon Archive

Digital Giving? Will it help keep our Chaplaincy afloat?

Those who were present at the ACM will have seen the figures, our income falls short of that needed to fund the running of our Chaplaincy (main costs Chaplain and Anglican Centre). In order to be sustainable  St. Catherine’s needs to increase it’s income.
In an increasingly cashless society, would having a card reader in church be a good idea? How can we encourage more planned giving?
Please complete the survey here to help us in our deliberations.
If finances are tight at home, one off fund-raisers also help by raising money from others. If you have an idea for one of these please speak to Christopher Sloan.
Or, put the date for our next Book Sale in your diaries and plan how you can help support this. More details nearer the time.


– for the families and young people who are part of St. Catherine’s
– for our Chaplaincy Council meeting this Sunday
– for those whose homes and livelihoods have been devastated by natural and man-made disasters.

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