- Return2Church – is still on hold due to rising C-19 figures in and around Stuttgart which is our catchment area for travel. Please join in with the now extensive options online. (see above).
We have every hope to go ‘live’ again for the start of Advent. - HomeChurch resources will be available online from Sunday morning.
Our organ is not in quarantine, but it isn’t well, so we are using archive material from our virtual choir this week. - ZoomCompline – now available for anyone to join. It is a quiet reflective service lasting only about 20 minutes on a Sunday evening starting at 21:00. If you’d like to join in please let Kara know so she can send you the code (chaplain@stcatherines-stuttgart.de).
- ZoomCoffee will be available once again this Sunday at usual time of 10.30. If you’d like to join in please let Kara know so she can send you the code (chaplain@stcatherines-stuttgart.de).
- Marmalade Makers – sadly we have had to cancel this year’s St Catherine’s Annual Bazaar BUT we can still make and, in exchange for a donation to church funds, distribute marmalade. If you would like to join this year’s team of MarmaladeMakers (or any other preserve you would like to contribute) please let Alison know (wardens@stcatherines-stuttgart.de) and very many thanks.
Klick&Kollect Knitted Nativity: Similarly, a friend of St. Catherine’s has been busy and one of these lovely figures could find its home on your, or a friend’s, Christmas tree this year. These are available, in exchange for a donation, for collection from the Anglican Centre when you are next in Stuttgart. See https://stcatherines-stuttgart.de/outreach/fundraising/klickkollect-knitted-natvitiy-figures/ for more details.
- PrayerPost
– for any places in our world experiencing conflict or violence or acts of terror
– for health care workers in any capacity
– for the St Catherine’s Council as it meets this Sunday evening and all it has on its agenda and for all the work the Council does between meetings
– for November Baptism Anniversaries (William plus any adults) and November Birthdays (Katelynn and Tracey and Maya and Jackson and any adults) plus one baby I know is due to arrive this month and we pray for a safe arrival
– for Peace in our world and all who work for Peace. -
– Prayers for life events –
- Return2Church – is still on hold due to rising C-19 figures in and around Stuttgart which is our catchment area for travel. Please join in with the now extensive options online. (see above).
ChurchCoronaCare once again needs donations please as people return to part time work and pay and face further financial hardship – thank you .
If you have the means to do so, please give what you would have put in the weekly collection plate via bank transfer.
Kontoinhaber : Friends of the English Church e.V.
IBAN: DE39 6009 0100 0587 2530 02
Bank: Volksbank Stuttgart
For regular giving to St. Catherine’s setting up a “Dauerauftrag”, if you can, means you don’t have to remember to do this at the end of every service and helps support the on-going fixed costs of St. Catherine’s.
Thank you supporting our church.
Yours Lord is the greatness, the splendour and the majesty.
Everything we have comes from you and of your own do we give you.