Notices for Saturday 10th June – Evensong @17:00

This Saturday
Evensong @17:00

Would you like to join us for dinner at Pukki’s – the Thai Restaurant – across from church after Evensong this Saturday?

Saturday services started as Return2Church – post-lockdown – when we couldn’t use the building back to back with the Old Catholics.

A monthly Saturday Evensong @17:00 has stayed because…

  1. it gives us the opportunity to appreciate and participate in the wonderful musical and liturgical tradition of Evensong
  2. it gives us an entire Sunday free to rest
  3. things are open in Stuttgart before and after church so a trip can have multiple purposes (saving our carbon footprint)

*** The timing is also perfect for staying on afterwards for fellowship over food…
which is an aspect that post-covid we can now start to explore more fully – if you know you would like to join us this Saturday 10th June please reply to this mail.
Spontaneous is also possible but it will be easier to book/plan to get a delivery to the Anglican Centre if we know numbers.

Hope you can join us to worship, if not for food.

During the interregnum/vacancy your first point of contact for all questions relating to
St. Catherine’s are the Church Wardens – WhatsApp – 0163 222 8997
(messages will be read on a once a day basis)

Share the Meal
Thank you to all those who have contributed to the Share the Meal fund in thankfulness for Kara’s ministry at St. Catherine’s and in return for items given a new home in her clear out.
Between us we have fed 1754 children.

we pray for our new Chaplain and those who will see us through the interregnum.
we give thanks for our musicians, welcome team, sacristan and all those who serve.
we pray for those who are fed by Share the Meal and those who work to ensure food reaches places and people in dire need.

On Saturday, June 17, a community festival will take place in and around St. Catherine’s Church, to which the Old Catholics have invited us. The festival begins at 15:00 with a Eucharist. Afterwards there will be coffee and cake, later more drinks and delicious food. The end is planned for around 9 o’clock in the evening. Entertainment will be provided and there will be opportunity for fellowship and conversation. This festival is an attempt to revive the traditional earlier „Katharinenfest”. Come and bring your friends.

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