This Sunday
- HomeChurch – resources for Online Worship will be available from Sunday morning.
Celebrating love… St. Valentine’s Day (14th February) is a time when we traditionally think of love. As we are still restricted in our social interactions we have gathered up a few photos of couples from St. Catherine’s – some on their wedding day, some just young and in love. Who can you recognise?
The link will go live on the HomeChurch page on Sunday.- Compline – Join us on zoom at 21:00 for a short reflective service (code from the Chaplain)
LOOKing Ahead:
(a printable list for your notice board/fridge is available here)
Ash Wednesday –
a short reflective liturgy will go online from the morning of Wed 17.02. – use when it suits you
Or – if you’re in ‘town’ pop in for your own reflections and ‘Ashing’ any time 14:00 -16:00
Or – join the AKs at their service @18:30 (this year Not a joint service and also No fish supper – the service will be in German)
Or – join the Bible Study Group on Zoom @19:30 to go through the Online liturgy together
Lent on Sundays
Prayers of Intercession – usually we put a world map behind the altar and invite small candles to be lit in prayer for whatever country…. Online the map will be there as part of our HomeChurch resources and we will pray each Sunday for some of the 20 countries that currently make up the Stuttgart part of the St Catherine’s church family
– a weekly parable and activity for children and young people
– every Sunday evening – why not join the short reflective service of Compline for 5 weeks on Zoom @21.00
Lent midweek – every Wednesday 14:00-16:00 and every Saturday 15:45-16:30 the church will be open for your reflections (and resources,based on seasonal hymns, will be available)
– every Wednesday also – why not join the Bible Study group for 5 weeks on Zoom @19:30
Palm Sunday – on Sunday 28.03. 16:00 a service* for any and all who wish to join in on Zoom with the usual Passion Reading (for parts let Chaplain know who will email you text)
Easter Weekend and Holy Week – we have to share the use of church
Maundy Thursday – there will be Online resources available (similar format to Ash Wed)
Good Friday – an Online ‘Stations of the Cross’ resource for your reflections and prayers
Holy Saturday – the Exsultet will go Online as it did last year plus a chance for you to light your Baptism Candle(s) and remember/ renew your Baptism Vows
Easter Sunday – we will be able to celebrate an Easter Morning Eucharist @10:30 (sign up form is already up and if we need to hold this service twice – as we did Christmas – we will offer the same service again on Easter Monday also @10:30)
For all of the above – attendance in church requires all the regulations we are now used to
* collect a Palm Cross from church during Lent Open Church times or make your own using link here Make your own palm cross
– for all who have their baptism anniversaries in February (Katelyn and Eljas and Lara plus any adults) and for all who celebrate a birthday this month (Philippa, Jordan, Derrick, Emil and any adults)
– for the roll out of vaccines across many parts of the world
– for all who struggle in winter
– for those who have especially asked for prayer