Notices for Sunday 21st May @10:00

This Sunday – Eucharist @10:00

There will a Tweens session during the sermon for 9-13 year olds. Please remind them to bring their “friends” sheets.
There will be no coffee in the Anglican Centre after the service as the Council will be meeting there, but, please wander down to the Karlsplatz and visit our Book Stall selling English books and advertising our Book Sale in October.

On Saturday, June 17, a community festival will take place in and around St. Catherine’s Church, to which the Old Catholics have invited us. The festival begins at 15:00 with a Eucharist. Afterwards there will be coffee and cake, later more drinks and delicious food. The end is planned for around 9 o’clock in the evening. Entertainment will be provided and there will be opportunity for fellowship and conversation. This festival is an attempt to revive the traditional earlier „Katharinenfest”. Come and bring your friends.

Share the Meal
Over the past few weeks we have been raising money for Share the Meal in thankfulness for Kara’s ministry at St. Catherine’s and in return for items given a new home in her clear out. The total currently stands at 1125 children fed.
If you would still like to donate Share the Meal as part of the Chaplain’s Leaving Fund, you can place a donation in the tins at the back of church which will be there throughout the rest of May. If you would like to offer a bottle of wine a new home, in return for a donation to Share the Meal, please inspect the wine rack in the Anglican Centre.
If you wish to give electronically, please donate directly to please e-mail with how many meals you have donated so that they can be added to the total.

we pray with thankfulness for all our children and young people
we pray for our Wardens and Council as they meet this Sunday
we pray for Julie, Solomon, Matt – their ministries among us in these coming weeks and months
we pray for our Chaplaincy and our Chaplain as her contract draws to a close and we all prepare for whatever the glorious future God has for us
we pray for all people and places not at peace

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