Notices for Sunday 22nd September @10:00 – Harvest Festival followed by Bring and Share Lunch

Sunday 22nd September @10:00 Harvest Festival Eucharist with traditional British harvest hymns Everyone is invited to bring donations of non-perishable foods stuffs for Schwäbische Tafel Service will be followed by a "Bring and Share" Harvest Lunch hosted by the British members of the congregation All are invited to bring a dish that they think of as British or reflects the variety of food enjoyed in modern Britain! (easily as diverse as our congregation)

Sunday 22nd September @10:00 Harvest Festival Eucharist
Don’t forget:
– non-perishable foods stuffs for Schwäbische Tafel
– contribution for the “Bring and Share” Harvest Lunch

Just in time for Harvest Festival – the fliers for the Service of Lessons and Carols have arrived. Please advertise to friends and post anywhere you have access to a digital or physical notice board.


We give thanks for the abundance of produce available to us and for those who help fill our cupboards and plates with it
We pray for the will to fight the injustices that mean others struggle to produce food and many go hungry

Get the word out “English Book Sale” Saturday 19th October.
Donations of good quality, used novels can be brought to the Anglican Centre before or after a service or when the Chaplain is in during the week – usually Wed, Thurs, Friday afternoons, but please contact Antonio Anglican Chaplain Stuttgart to arrange a drop of time.

Helpers are also needed to set up the evening before, bake, provide dishes for lunches, volunteer on the day and help clear up.


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