Notices for Sunday 29th September @10:00 Joint Bilingual Eucharist

This Sunday @10:00
Joint Bilingual Eucharist
followed by coffee in the Gemeindesaal

Next Sunday 6th October @10:00
Eucharist with German emphasis
followed by deutsche Leckereien in the Gemeindesaal

Sundays@10 Next session: Sunday 13th October
Unity of the Church through unity of churches?
see for more details.

Last chance to complete our survey
All survey forms must be returned by Sunday 29th September. Place your survey in the box at the back of church or fill out online here. St. Catherine’s Survey 2024
Thank you to those who have already taken part.


– for our musicians, sacristan and welcome team
– for Germany: for the changes in society and those who are fearful of them
– for Kathy’s Vesper, for those who serve and those who are served

Help Needed – Book Sale – 19th October

  • Can you help set up for the Book Sale on Friday 18th October evening? Speak to Bernd
  • Can you provide baked goods or bring a soup / chilli? Speak to Jackie
  • Can you help staff the sale on the day? Speak to Susanna
  • Can you help clear up afterwards? Turn up at 16:00 on Saturday 19th October
  • Can you donate good quality, readable English books? Please bring to the Centre before or after services.
  • Can you invite friends and colleagues to come and buy? share the flier
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