Notices – Sunday 19th December – Advent 4

Register online here for
Sunday’s Carol Service led by our Young People
You will receive an e-mail with confirmation of your place and details of the service.

OnZoom – 17th-23rd December @21:00 Compline with Advent Antiphons – code from

InChurch – Sunday@17:00 – Carol Service led by our Young People
Advanced registration required see above.
 anytime Online
St. Catherine’s Pick and Mix Lessons & Carols
There are other liturgies to choose from and our choir archive to dip into here.

– Prayer Chain – There continue to be strips of paper available at the back of church to write the names of anyone you might like to remember or whom you might like to pray for – the chaplain will form these into a prayer chain for the Anglican Centre (requests can also be sent to and the names / concerns will be added to the prayer chain for you)
Our Advent Calendar is posting daily on the website from the 1st December. If you would like a notification each day in your inbox please e-mail
Bishop’s Advent Appeal

Winter Restock

We are grateful to all those who contributed in the summer – thank you. The needs in winter are different – sleeping bags, coats, shoes etc. please contact to arrange drop off of donations in the coming weeks.

Looking ahead

We are hoping to hold our long postponed Confirmation service in early January 2022 and are pleased Bishop David will be joining us for this.
Please pray for those from the Stuttgart and Heidelberg Chaplaincies who will be confirmed.

“World Day of Prayer/Weltgebetstag”  Friday 4th March 2022

The liturgy for next year’s World Day of Prayer has been prepared by women from England, Wales and Northern Ireland so it seemed highly appropriate that we from St. Catherine’s host the service on Friday, 4th March 2022.  We are dedicating the service to the memory of Pauline Kiess, a long-standing member of the St. Catherine’s community who for many years was a member of the local WGT committee.  This year the World Day of Prayer service took place on Zoom but we sincerely hope that next year we will all be able to attend in person.  Several of us from church have already attended workshops in preparation of organizing our own service and, along with representatives from  other churches in the nearby vicinity we are planning several preparatory meetings early in the New Year. If you would like to join us  or would like to learn more about the World Day of Prayer please contact us via We would greatly appreciate your help and, of course, we look forward to welcoming you to the service at St. Catherine’s.”

Prayer Post

We pray for:

  • December baptism anniversaries and birthdays (there are lots)
  • for all who struggle this time of year
  • for Tim and Sarah as they resettle back home with gratitude for what they offered in their time among us
  • for others of our church family who are travelling ‘home’ to be with family at challenging times
  • for our Bishops and Archdeacons with gratitude for all they give often at huge personal sacrifice
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