Dear all,

  • the tentative beginnings of R2C are still tentative but I hope those worshipping online appreciated a ‘preached’ sermon rather than a ‘read’ one
  • plans for the zoom coffee are making real but slow progress
  • I hope some of you got out for a walk on Ascension Day – photos can be seen here – why not send yours in?
  • there is still chance to send in pictures from a ‘country of origin’ ahead of the Pentecost collage
  • there is also still time for the children making a Pentecost wreath to send in a picture of the finished result – we will use these to illustrate one of the hymns on Sunday.

About three weeks ago we spent a Sunday reflecting on the Lord’s Prayer and the version we had read to us came from the Sermon on the Mount. Then last week I sent you on an Ascension Day walk – the outdoors is calling !

See above please for the beginnings of planning for a service – when we can all worship together again – more details will follow – not least those to ensure that we are all kept safe.

With every blessing,



If you plan to come to church on Saturday – for reasons beyond our control, and as an exception, this Saturday only will be a 16.30 start please

P.S. Don’t forget to sign in with Alison by Friday morning –

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