Register online here – you will receive an e-mail with details of the service, 2G/3G etc.
InChurch – Sunday@12:00 – St Nicholas and his big feet – with Eucharist
Service focused around our young people. Advanced registration required see above.
AtHome – Sunday anytime Online –
Bible Readings this weekend (Advent2): Malachi 3.1-4 and Philippians 1.3-11 and Luke 3.1-6
There are liturgies to choose from and our choir archive to dip into here.
– Prayer Chain – There continue to be strips of paper available at the back of church to write the names of anyone you might like to remember or whom you might like to pray for – the chaplain will form these into a prayer chain for the Anglican Centre (names can also be sent to chaplain@stcatherines-stuttgart.de)
– Our Advent Calendar is posting daily on the website from the 1st December. If you would like a notification each day in your inbox please e-mail advent@stcatherines-stuttgart.de
– Bishop’s Advent Appeal
OnZoom – Sundays @21.00 – 21.30 ‘Compline in Advent’ code from chaplain@stcatherines-stuttgart.de
OnZoom – Wednesdays @19.30-2015 Bible Study Group – code from biblestudy@stcatherines-stuttgart.de
A3PrinterHelpRequest – if anyone has access to an A3 printer for two batches only please let me know – thank you and I am happy to pay the going rate (Chaplain)
AccommocationHelpRequest – a former member of St. Catherine’s (from 2008-2009) is moving back to Stuttgart and looking for a room or small apartment to rent, preferably in Stuttgart-Mitte or along the S4 line. Contact the Chaplain if you can help.
Looking ahead
Advent & Christmas Amidst rising Corona indices the clergy, church wardens and council are preparing for Advent and Christmas – 2021. Space in church will be limited so advance registration is required.
Please help in this process by reading these details and signing up for the services you and your household would like to be part of.
In order to help us keep those who have signed up safe – please do not just turn up at a service if you haven’t booked in.
Dust off your singing voice – we will have a scratch-choir for our Lessons and Carols !
2020 was a strange, and somewhat silent year, in many ways….. we certainly missed being able to sing together during Advent.
But, we are ‘a hopeful people’ and have every confidence that this year we will once again be able to join together to enjoy the gift of music and share it with those who attend the much loved Traditional Service of Lessons and Carols’ in the Leonhardskirche on Sunday 12th December @17:00 – This will be a 2G event!
If you would like to join our scratch choir for this event please email scratchchoir@stcatherines-stuttgart.de or speak to Becka / Stephen / Wardens or Chaplain…. (2G+ for choir)
We are grateful to all those who contributed in the summer – thank you. The needs in winter are different – sleeping bags, coats, shoes etc. please contact restock@stcatherines-stuttgart.de to arrange drop off of donations in the coming weeks.
Banner Working Group … In the last 18 months our lives may have slowed down, but time has not stood still. In the physical world we have all aged during the pandemic and so have our physical PR materials at St. Catherine’s. Our posters have faded, the content of our fliers has dated and our A-frame sign has broken.
We are working on creating new materials, if you would like to be part of this project contact communications@stcatherines-stuttgart.de
We are hoping to hold our long postponed Confirmation service in early January 2022 and are pleased Bishop David will be joining us for this.
If you are interested in being confirmed (or have a young person in your household 14+ who might be ready for this step) please speak to the Chaplain urgently. We are being joined by two adult candidates from the Heidelberg Chaplaincy.
Prayer Post
We pray for:
- December baptism anniversaries and birthdays (there are lots) including Freddi who has his baptism this Saturday (04.12.)
- for all who struggle this time of year
- for Tim and Sarah as they resettle back home with gratitude for what they offered in their time among us
- for others of our church family who are travelling ‘home’ to be with family at challenging times
- for our Bishops and Archdeacons with gratitude for all they give often at huge personal sacrifice