Notices for Sunday 14th November

InChurchSunday @12:00  – Annual Peace Service with Eucharist
Advanced registration not required, but all those attending must sign in either with the Luca QR code (at church) or via the St. Catherine’s Website
Refreshments – we will brew up pots of coffee and tea but please bring any personal ‘eats’
AtHomeSunday anytime Online
Bible Readings this weekend : Daniel 12.1-3, Psalm 16, Hebrews 10.11-14 19-2, Mark 13.1-8
There are liturgies to choose from and our choir archive to dip into here.

OnZoomSunday @21.00 – 21.30 ‘Compline’ code from
OnZoom Wednesday @19.30-2015  Bible Study Groupcode from

Looking ahead

Dust off your singing voice – we will have a scratch-choir for our Lessons and Carols !
2020 was a strange, and somewhat silent year, in many ways….. we certainly missed being able to sing together during Advent.
But, we are ‘a hopeful people’ and have every confidence that this year we will once again be able to join together to enjoy the gift of music and share it with those who attend the much loved ‘Traditional Service of Lessons and Carols’ in the Leonhardskirche on Sunday 12th December @17:00

If you would like to join our scratch choir for this event please email or speak to Becka / Stephen / Wardens or Chaplain….

If singing is not for you – how about reading one of the ‘Lessons’ emails please to or speak to the Wardens….

Decisions on 2G/3G – congregational singing etc. will be taken depending on numbers and current regulations

Advent & Christmas Amidst rising Corona indices the clergy, church wardens and council are preparing for Advent and Christmas – 2021. Space in church will be limited so advance planning is required.
Please help in this process by reading these details and indicating which services you and your family would like to be part of.
In order to help us keep those who have signed up safe – please do not just turn up at a service if you haven’t booked in.

Sunday 28th November @10:30 Zoom Coffee – code and discussion question from

We are hoping to hold our long postponed Confirmation service in early January 2022 and are pleased Bishop David will be joining us for this.
If you are interested in being confirmed (or have a young person in your household 14+ who might be ready for this step) please speak to the Chaplain urgently. We are being joined by two adult candidates from the Heidelberg Chaplaincy.

Prayer Post

We pray for:

  • the upcoming Council Meeting, for guidance in their decision making and God’s blessing of the implementation of those decisions.
  • for our ‘local’ chaplaincies Heidelberg and Freiburg as they prepare for and settle into working with new chaplains
  • those gathered in Glasgow and those whose jobs it will be to translate decisions and policies and targets into realities
  • for ourselves as we commit ourselves to making lifestyle choices and nurturing habits that ensure a healthier future for our beautiful and precious world
  • those anxious or fearful of the ongoing pandemic as well as the vaccines and variants
  • for November baptism anniversaries and birthdays
  • those recently bereaved or marking a bereavement anniversary
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