Notices for Sunday 19th February – @12:00 Eucharist

This Sunday 19th February – @12:00  Eucharist

Ash Wednesday 22nd February – @18:30

Invitation to join the Old Catholics for Eucharist followed by fish supper auf Deutsch. RSVP by 20th Feb.
(There will be no Bible Study this Wednesday, please join us at the service)

Paperless church? – can we live without single use paper?


Sign up for the Church of England’s Lent reflections

Compline in Lent
Would you like to join a group to pray together on zoom weekly Sundays @21:00?
Mail for code.

In the Chaplain’s absence your first point of contact is

Revision of the Electoral Roll

The annual revision of the Electoral Roll for St. Catherine’s Anglican Chaplaincy, Stuttgart will take place on 12th March 2023 in preparation for the scheduled ACM on Sunday 2nd April.
The main criteria for inclusion on the Electoral Roll are being baptised and being a regular participant in the worshipping life of St. Catherine’s.
Forms and more information can be obtained from the website or by e-mailing
All forms must be returned to Frances by 11th March 2023 at the latest.

The collection last Sunday and this Sunday will be donated to the relief effort in Turkey and Syria

WeltGebetsTag – World Day of Prayer

As in every year, World Day of Prayer is held on the first Friday in March.

The 2023 service will be held on Friday, 3rd March. at 19:00 at St. Catherine’s.  The country of focus is Taiwan, and its  Motto is “I Have Heard About Your Faith”
Official Inivitation plus zoom code

Women from several denominations in the local area are gathering to prepare for worship service. The next meeting is on 1st March 19:30. Please contact for more details.
I request that you continue to keep all women in your prayers, especially those subjected to discrimination, trafficking, etc.
We look forward to and welcome any assistance. Thanks in advance.


we pray for victims and families in all areas of Conflict and War
we pray for the Old Catholics with whom we share this space and for the Leonhards Church with whom we share friendship we pray for them in the challenges they each face
we pray for our Church as we each prayerfully consider who after the Annual Meeting shall serve on Council and as Wardens
we pray for all who will go hungry today for all who in this cold have no roof over their heads to offer shelter
we pray for individuals who have need of our prayers

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