Author Archives: webmaster

Notices for Sunday 12th June

InChurch – Sunday 12th June – 12:00 – Trinity Sunday Eucharist we welcome Associate Priest Revd Julie Lipp-Nathaniel  AtHome – anytime Online There are other liturgies to choose from and our choir archive to dip into here. Bible Readings for … Continue reading

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Notices for a weekend of celebrations – Platinum Jubilee & Pentecost

InChurch – Sunday 5th June – 12:00 – Pentecost Eucharist … we welcome today and pray for Revd Matt Johnson as he begins his PTO ministry in this diocese. AtHome – anytime Online There are other liturgies to choose from … Continue reading

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Notices – Welcoming the Katholikentag to Stuttgart

InChurch – Saturday 28th May – 18:00 – ‘Service of Evensong’ as part of the Katholikentag programme in Stuttgart We will be welcoming guests from all over Germany who have come to Stuttgart to celebrate Katholikentag – expect a full … Continue reading

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Notices for Sunday 22nd May

OutdoorChurch – Sunday 22nd May – 11:00 – OutdoorChurch@Rogation – in Rosenstein Park Let us know you are coming by signing up via this link Come for the service and stay on to picnic if you can. We will meet … Continue reading

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Nacht der offenen Kirchen – 5th June


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Notices for Sunday 15th May

InChurch – Sunday 15th May – 12:00 – Eucharist  AtHome – anytime Online There are other liturgies to choose from and our choir archive to dip into here. Bible Readings for Sunday: Acts 11.1-18 and John 13.31-35 Psalm 148 OnZoom … Continue reading

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Tag der weltweiten Kirche

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News from the Diocese

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Ecumenical Update

NEWS Karlsruhe 2022 – from the Evangelische Landeskirche in Württemberg

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Notices for Sunday 8th May

InChurch – Sunday 8th May – 12:00 – Eucharist – Vocation Sunday AtHome – anytime Online There are other liturgies to choose from and our choir archive to dip into here. Bible Readings for Sunday: Genesis 7.1-5, 11-18 Psalm 23 … Continue reading

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