Notices for 25th October
- HomeChurch – this week’s HomeChurch resources will be online on Sunday morning. If you’ve not joined in with our HomeChurch before it comes in the form of a selection of liturgies, depending on your preference for contemporary or traditional language, and time of day. These are supplemented by weekly children’s sheets, prayers and audio material in the form of readings, sermon, intercessions and music from our virtual choir and organist.
Create a space at home, maybe light a candle and then you can mix and match to compile something that is meaningful for you (and your family).
Thank you to all those, in Stuttgart and far beyond, who have contributed in some way to these resources over the last six months.
- Return2Church – is currently on hold due to rising C-19 figures in and around Stuttgart which is our catchment area for travel. Please join with the now extensive options online. (see above)
- All Souls – falls this year on a Monday and as usual the Chaplain will park herself in church for an hour or more to light candles for those who have died (this year or any year) and pray for those who miss them still. Please send names to
- ZoomCoffee is unlikely to resume on Sunday 25th October, but please let Kara know so she can send you the code ( So far the interest is minimal, so perhaps it is no longer a felt need?
- PrayerPost
– for the range of online liturgies: now once again the only worship option open to us, that people would be nurtured and blessed
– for all who meet in any of our groups – ZoomCoffee (?) on Sundays and Zoom Bible Study on Wednesdays and the new Contemplation Group meeting on Zoom and Coffee with Alison once a month and those groups currently not meeting: LEGS / PINTS still on hold, also the PrayerBreakfast is still on hold and we long for the fullness of such meeting with one another to be possible again
– for those returning to working from home or reduced hours or facing unemployment and redundancy and all the hardship and insecurity those bring
– for the sick and the dying and those who care for them
– for the increasing number of countries which are suffering from renewed cases of C-19 and further restrictions on daily life and travel and the Heads of State who are once again pushed to their limits as the second wave takes hold.

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