They came, they sang, they delighted…

NEWS FLASH: our ‘Annual Book Sale’ event (including world-class café and flea market) raised 1286€ – big thank yous to all who helped in any shape or form.

As the weeks ticked by, the excitement grew. Not only amongst the children and the adults who came all the way from Bangalore, but also for those who were looking forward to a musical, cultural and social treat. We gathered at the Leonhardskirche, on a soggy day, trying very hard to cheer up, the young and the not so young, friends and colleagues, a few of the 1st Stuttgart Brownies and Rainbow Guides, some familiar faces and some new ones. Pfarrer Doll came by to wish us well, as did EMSo – the elephant who works with Solomon, who delighted the children present. The stars were the Shepherd’s Symphony, the lilting tones of the Tamil songs made a sharp contrast with the ‘Handel’s Halleluia’ finalé. We had strings and keyboard, the playful tones of a glockenspiel and young voices in abundance. When all the official concentrating on music and all the formal attention on them had gone, the chatty youngsters were just delightful and energising, even that late in the evening. There were several special moments but they will be shared elsewhere. What a blessing. Photos to follow.

we pray this week (with Fathers’ Day on thursday) for all fathers and grandfathers and all men who play a role in the nurture and welfare of youngsters

also my prayer list is getting longer – people who have asked for my prayers so please pray for those people too (you don’t need to know who they are or what their needs are)

we pray for all who will be implementing the results of elections in a whole list of different nations in our world but

we pray too for those who have lost confidence in political systems, for those who just don’t care, and for the millions who cannot vote because they don’t have any kind of citizenship

a big Thank You to all who give regularly or at all
secondly there are now hard copy forms available as well as website links for those who want to switch to ‘planned giving forms’
finally too an appeal to anyone who has either experience or a passion for fundraising and grant application to join our finance team – you can email them on


this week:
= Bible Study – WE 29.05. @ 19.30 in the Anglican Centre as usual
= Ascension Day Walk – TH 30.05. meet at the Centre around 15.45 for an opening prayer and then a walk up to Bopser Tea Rooms where we shall read the Ascension story and pray some more and then people can stay or go …… the walking bit will be either in silent prayer or with family and friends (Kara to sort on the day)

further ahead:
= Pentecost – we will once again be having Incense at the altar during our worship (see my piece on this in February newsletters)

further ahead still:
= there are now THREE baptism dates in the diary – 21.07. / 22.09. / 27.10. – if you are an Adult who has never been baptised please talk to Kara about what that might mean for you and check which date would fit best…..

gifts or occasional help sought please:
– technical support especially for ‘Apple’ / iMacs
– intercessions – public or private
– healing prayer – private
– fundraising
– do you play an instrument – our much loved organist is allowed holidays…….
offers of help to or speak to Kara
– ‘Catering Coordinator’ for our hosting of the chaplains and lay reps (40-50) from all Germany FR 13. / Sa 14.09.19

– we welcome those new among us and pray they will soon feel at home at St Catherine’s – if you would like to receive the news direct to your inbox please sign up via the website.
– some new faces and also some baptism families will join us for their special day on 21st July and and 22nd September.

our Chaplaincy Safeguarding Officer is Katy Kefferpütz who can be contacted at should you have any queries or concerns or feedback

Chaplain – every Monday: 14.30 – 16.00 and every Saturday: 11.00 – 12.30
If I am not there at these times there will be a very good reason !
Chaplaincy Administrator aka the lovely Lauris – every Thursday: 10.00 – 12.00
I am also at the Centre at other times so feel free to drop in – no appointment needed !
Or DO make an appointment if that more suits your needs.


St Catherine’s Anglican Church does not receive financial support from the German government or the Diocese in Europe. We depend on the generous financial support of those that worship with us to support our ministry.

Thank you in advance for your support !

Your contributions may be paid by Überweisung to St Catherine’s Church:

The Friends of the English Church e.V.

Evangelische Bank:

IBAN: DE67 5206 0410 0000 4022 22

Arrangements can also be made for those wishing to give from other countries because they no longer live in Stuttgart / Germany – please contact



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