Category Archives: Notices
This year’s Harvest focus … India
An Indian short story, ´the curtain´ tells of a family living in a poor section of a city, where the family members always portray themselves to be doing pretty well on the outside, but the reality of their sad condition … Continue reading
Preparing for a weekend of harvest… 19th-20th October
October’s News-sheet is now online and will be available in hard copy in church / the Anglican Centre on Sunday. A harvest of words Helpers wanted for St. Catherine’s Mini-Booksale! On Saturday, October 19, as part of St. Catherine’s Harvest … Continue reading
Church on Sunday at the Leonhardskirche…
Sunday 29th September – 11:30 start! We will be holding our service at the Leonhardskirche as the Old Catholics will have an extend service as part of the selection process for their new priest. Sunday School will take place in … Continue reading
Wet weather plans…
Sadly the rain looks to have set in and it will probably be too wet to picnic today, however there will be coffee, in the dry, after church in the Anglican centre as usual.
“A few more questions to get you thinking … about stewardship
Last Sunday in church, we began the 2018 stewardship campaign, guided by our bible motto: “For who am I, and what is my people, that we should be able to make this offering? For all things come from you, and … Continue reading
A few questions to get you thinking … about stewardship
This coming Sunday, we’re going to kick off the 2018 stewardship campaign, guided by our bible motto: “For who am I, and what is my people, that we should be able to make this offering? For all things come from you, … Continue reading
Church on Sunday 10:30 – no need to bring food
Please put your baking/salad making etc on hold until the Church Picnic on 9th September. We have just discovered that a caterer will be providing all the refreshments for the post-service reception on Sunday. No need to bring food. Apologies … Continue reading
Are you signed up to help at the book sale on Saturday 16th June?
It’s almost time for the Book Sale! Will you help? It’s just another 10 days to St. Catherine’s Booksale on Saturday, June 16 and slowly, a team is beginning to come together! However, we do still need more people to pitch … Continue reading
St. Catherine’s Book Sale is coming soon!
Our annual book sale will take place on Saturday, June 16th, 10:00 to 16:00 at the church and Anglican Centre. As always, we need lots of helpers to make it all run smoothly: we need people to help set out … Continue reading